|28| Cousin

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Waking up to the sound of birds chirping was downright magical. Like, I felt like a princess...but enough of that.

The morning training with Oji-san was somewhat, hard I would say. I got hit a lot but they healed faster- courtesy of the Byakugou seal- than usual. He fought very well for an old man.

And by that, I meant he swept my feet off the ground resulting me in falling so many times I was worried I'd have a concussion. 

After training, I would go take a shower and then have breakfast in the dining room where I would meet Ren and Tamiko. Ren chats with me while Tamiko only listens, throwing a few words just to spite the Uzumaki.

After breakfast, I would have like two hours to do whatever I liked. I wanted to see the compound and Ren became my tour guide. Tamiko would accompany us, claiming if I'm with Ren I would end up dead. Then it was back to training till lunch and dinner. 

I've never had training this intense so it was difficult for a while but I got used to it after day three. 

This became a routine for three weeks. Until one evening. . .

We were in the main hall of the main house, somewhere Ren wasn't allowed for being a branch member. Tamiko silently guided me through the place. I gawked at the pictures of the previous head of the clan. Oji-san was handsome as a young adult! Black hair and eyes, pale but not too pale skin, and a small smile. He had short hair.

As we were walking I noticed a statue at the end of the hall. Behind it was a portrait of a woman with straight white hair that reached her back in a red kimono-like outfit. White hair, that's something unusual to have has an Akame.

When I got a better look at the statue, my eyes went wide. Two people were carved, shaking hands and smiling. My great-grandfather Senju Hashirama and the woman from the portrait. I stared at it for a while before turning to Tamiko.

"Who's this woman?" I questioned as I bobbed my head gesturing to the white-haired woman. Tamiko's eyes traveled to her and back to me. "Akame Amaya. She's the founder of our clan compound and co-founder of Konoha, a respected head of our clan. Was friends with Senju Hashirama and . . .Uchiha Madara." She spat 'Uchiha Madara' with distaste and a roll of her eyes.

She doesn't like Uchiha's too? Yup, we're totally related.

"Amaya, huh? It means night rain right? Pretty name. . ." I murmured. Tamiko glanced at me for a moment before clearing her throat.

"So, how's training going?" My eyebrows shot up in surprise. She was starting a conversation? "It's going. . .It's hard but worth it!" I smiled at her. 

Her face contorted into something else, eyebrows furrowed as if she's debating whether or not to say something. After a minute of silence, she spoke up. "Come with me. . ." with that, she turned on her heel and started walking.

"Wait-!" I tried to protest but she grabbed my arm and pulled me alongside her. I quickened my pace to keep up with her as she let go of my hand. We walked over a bridge and into the backyard of the compound, which I didn't know existed. 

She activated her fully matured stage two Tenketsugan and opened the door, dragging me along. I stared at her eyes for a moment, admiring her Tenketsugan before looking ahead.

We were inside a forest. A creepy forest. Well, not really. It just missed a little sunlight as the rays dimly lit the surrounding.

After walking for a while to who knows where, well Tamiko knows where; we reached-

Senju KiyoshiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang