|16| Written Exam

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Inuzuka smirked a bit. "This is going to be fun. At least for those good enough to make the cut. Right Sasuke?"

He merely smirked back. "Kiba, careful you don't want to get overconfident now." So Inuzuka's name is Kiba. I crossed my arms and watched the interaction.

"Just wait. We're going to blow you guys away. We've been training like crazy."

"What do you think we've been doing? Sitting around picking daisies? You don't know what training means!" Naruto shouted. 

Kiba scoffed and looked at me. "Well, Kiyoshi you better be careful. Don't want a beauty like you getting hurt." He tried to flirt, very horribly.

"I can't hear you. I'm up here." I brought my hand to my eye level and. . .he didn't even reach that.

Most of them laughed while Kiba blushed in embarrassment. I swear to god I heard Sasuke snort too. Heh, that'll teach him to flirt with me. I seriously can't stand flirts. 

"Man, You're just straight-up brutal," Naruto muttered to me. I shrugged. "Maybe I am." 

"Hey, you guys." We looked ahead to see a guy with silver hair walk our way. He wore a purple outfit and glasses. His chakra felt sorta creepy and familiar, to say the least.

Strange. I must be getting paranoid.

"You might try keeping it down a little? I mean, no offense, but you're the ten rookies right? Fresh out of the academy? I wouldn't go making a spectacle of yourselves. This isn't  a class field trip."

"Who asked you!? Who are you anyway?" Ino asked. The guy smirked. "I'm Yakushi Kabuto. But really, Look around you."

We did so to see all the other examinees glaring at us. I blinked twice not affected in the slightest. Kabuto started talking more and somehow it irked me.

Sakura asked if this was his first time taking the exam. "No, it's my seventh," he replied. 

"Woah then you must be a pro! A veteran."

I scoffed. "Some pro he is. . . couldn't even pass after seven tries."

He chose to ignore me and pulled something out. Ninja info cards, he called it. Creep. Stalker creep. 

"Anybody you'd like to know about?"

Sasuke nodded. "Sabaku no Gaara and Rock Lee of Konoha. . .Senju Kiyoshi of Konoha as well while you're at it." 

I harshly nudged Sasuke with a look saying, 'are you dumb?' He rolled his eyes.

"Man, that's no fun when you know their names," Kabuto muttered. He swiped his hand over the deck of cards twice and pulled out two. Sasuke became serious and I simply sighed.

He pulled out Lee's first. "He's a year older than you guys. Mission experience, 11 C-ranked and 20 D-ranked. His squad leader is Might Gai and in the last twelve months, his taijutsu has radically improved. But his other skills are pretty shaky. His teammates are Hyuga Neji and Ten-Ten."

"Okay now for Sabaku no Gaara. Mission experience, 8 C-ranks, and 1B rank as a genin. There's not a lot of information but he survived every mission without getting a scratch on him."

This surprised me. A B-rank without a scratch? Intriguing. 

"Senju Kiyoshi. She's in Team seven which is led by Hatake Kakashi. Mission experience, 1 C-rank turned A and about 11 D ranks. She is also known to sometimes work in the hospital and the T&I department. Kiyoshi recently moved to Konoha, as she was priorly traveling with her aunt, the legendary Sanin Tsunade."

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