|51| To The Hot Springs

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"Hmmm, this granny will be the Godaime Hokage now?" Naruto crossed his arms as he thought over the idea.

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" 

"Well-!" A loud bang interrupted them. The loud bang was me smashing my head on the table.

"I. . . can't believe I blacked out in the middle of a fight.  . . !" I banged my head again making Naruto, sitting next to me jump a bit.

"Wha- KIYO-CHAN!! DON'T HURT YOURSELF DATTEBAYO!" He quickly placed his palm where my head was gonna hit the table. 

I turned to him, in the middle of my most significant sulk session ever, and frowned. "Okay, I won't bang my head on the table-" He sighed "-I'll just smash this chair on my head instead!" He choked on the sigh.

As I reached over for the chair, he slapped my hand away. "NO! BAD KIYO-CHAN!" 

I turned to him again. Comical white circles replaced my eyes with a tear. He panicked and stood up, bringing my head in his arms and rubbing my head.

"Ahh!! You must have gotten hurt! I told you dattebayo! Heal yourself or something!!"

The adults sitting opposite us just sweatdropped heavily. Naruto ignored them. Well, until Baa-Chan started laughing loudly and gained our attention. 

"Ah, anyway continue." She coughed as she came to a stop to her laughing fit.

I blinked. "What were we talking about?" Naruto turned to me and then to the adults. He blinked once. Twice. 

"Oh. Yeah, the Hokage! Uh, as I was saying-" He folded his arms,  "- Should she really be the Hokage? I mean, a Hokage should be kind and wise. Like the old man used to be and. . .she's not all that smart." 

Naruto has a death wish it seems. Baa-Chan is already irked.

"No offense or anything." After all the offensive things you said? Ok. " It's a big job and I'm not sure she's up to it- mph!" I shoved a roll down in his mouth and looked at Baa-chan with a sweatdrop.

"Look, um he has a big mouth-" Cue the shout of protest from Naruto. "Hey! I'm not wrong. On top of it all, she's fifty-something and uses a Jutsu to look like a young woman. I just wonder if we want a Hokage like that who's living a lie 'ttebayo." 

I watched Baa-Chan lean across the table to him, her temple throbbing. "You want to take this outside kid?!"

Well, you can protect someone for so long . . . I'll make sure his grave is squeaky clean. And full of sunflowers.

We headed outside because Naruto accepted the challenge. I leaned near Shizune-Nee. "Say, she won't kill him right. . .? " SHe laughed but it died out nervously.


"I may not be anyone's idea of perfect, but I am Hokage now. And even though I shouldn't dirty my hands on a little squirt like you, one finger's all I'm going to need."

She's ain't lying. Her strength is much greater than mine.

"Not this time granny! And stop calling me a squirt! I'm a kid now, but I'll become Hokage in the future dattebayo!" Baa-Chan's eyes widened just a fraction but a smile spread across her lips

Naruto charged. "You asked for it!" He went to punch her, but she duck out of the way. She then struck him with her finger on the headband, making it fly off.

She then moved her hand and was about to flick him in the forehead. Naruto closed his eyes and waited for the impact but then Baa-Chan's eyes softened and she kissed his forehead instead.

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