|26| Meeting the Akame clan

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"Yes, you heard right. We are to leave in an hour. The journey is long and we'll be staying a month." Satoru informed. I gaped. But then nodded.

"Ah, ok then. I'll just go and get my stuff." I went inside my room and started packing. A month with the Akame clan, my clan. I'll meet my mom's side of the family. I wonder if they're nice or if they'll like me?

I shook my head and continued packing, I finished in 10 minutes. Going without informing some people won't be nice and I have a solid 50 minutes.

"Hey, Satoru? Can I go tell sensei and Naruto of my departure?" I asked as I dropped my bag on the couch. He nodded. "Of course, I won't dare stop you."

I smiled at him and for once, walked out of the door. But then it got boring so I shunshined to the hospital. The receptionist smiled at me and continued with her work. I walked where I could find sensei's chakra signature. I took note of how he's visiting Sasuke. Just as I predicted.

I opened the door to his room and came inside, shutting the door behind me, Sasuke jolted before relaxing. "It's just you. . ." Kakashi sensei did not react to my entrance. He must have sensed me. He then turned to me and smiled, bringing his hand forward to pat my head.

"How are you doing, ducky?" I smiled at him. He rolled his eyes at the nickname. "Hn. How did you get in? I thought the staff wasn't allowing me any visitors."

Kakashi sensei leaned on a wall with his arms crossed. "She has a high position here," he informed as Sasuke slowly nodded and then turned to me with an annoyed deadpan. "What do you want?"

I pouted. "What? Can't I just visit- pfft- ok you got me." I chuckled a bit. "I was here for sensei." Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "Hm? What is it, Hime?"

"Ah, I'm leaving." Sasuke coughed, a confused expression on his face. "What do you mean leaving?"

I ignored him and focused on sensei. "I'm leaving with Satoru for training. I'll be back by the time for the chunin exam."

Kakashi let out an 'oh' and then nodded. "Satoru-san is going to help you train in your Tenketsugan I suppose. Did he mention where you two are going?"

I nodded slowly and an awkward expression came on my face. "To the Akame Clan."

His eyes widened. "I see." He then gave me a closed-eyed smile as he patted my head. "I can see you're nervous, don't be. Good luck with your training." I smiled up at him. "Thank you ni- sensei." I quickly turned around. ShitShitShit. Don't notice my slip up, please.

"Wait, I thought the clan was extinct?" Sasuke questioned and I almost fell. Not every clan is like yours, Sasuke.

"It's not. They have their loyalties with us in Konohagakure no Sato but they reside where they do, which nobody is aware of. Nobody outside the clan. Maybe that's why you've never heard of them and thought that." Kakashi sensei lazily drawled.

I looked at Sasuke with a sweatdrop. "You're going places, and that place is a history library," I said and walked out the room and then shunshined away to a training ground. The training ground that's near the waterfall.

I smiled at seeing Naruto being able to maintain himself on the water. . .until he saw me and his concentration broke, resulting in him falling in the water.

I sweatdropped. Jiji turned around and beckoned me to sit next to him. I smiled and did so.

"Back already? Lemme guess, you want your Jiji to train you don't you?" He grinned. "Nope!" I chirped with a smile. He sulked. "So mean. . ."

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