|11| Round 2

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"You're gonna have to take your mask off." I looked at sensei with an annoyed look. He sighed looking up from his book. "Why can't I just drink it myself? It wouldn't make a difference-"

"Yes, it would! This is no simple medication! I have to make sure that the medicine is properly easing up your muscles and then having them react in a particular-"

"I get it!" He interrupted and facepalmed, "I get it. . . fine." I smiled in delight. It's 6 in the morning, Tsunami-san, Tazuna, me, and Kakashi sensei are the only ones awake. We are on the porch where I shall heal him.

I held the cup with his prepared medicine in my hands. "Well? Take your damn mask off." I urged. I'm gonna see his face right now! 

His eye twitched but he did as told and. . ."Oh wow, your gorgeous." I blinked a few times and somehow forced myself from heat rising to my cheeks. Do not blush for an old man!

He gave a blank look, "Thanks."  I chuckled and handed the cup to him. 

"Now you drink it at a steady pace. Do not rush it!" I instructed and placed my hand on his chest. He did as told and I made sure that the medication was properly working. It took near about fifteen minutes.

"And..." I said stretching the 'nd' "You're healed, bow down to your savior." I smirked. He shook his head and pulled his mask back on. "If you tell anyone about my face, just remember. I know where you live." he threatened. 

 I snorted. Just then Sasuke and Sakura came where we were. "Ohayo." Sakura shortly greeted. Sasuke only nodded.

"Ohayo! oh and-" I jumped up and tried to round-house kick Sensei in the face. Sakura and Sasuke gasped loudly and sensei blocked my kick with ease. I smirked and tried to attack him with punches and kicks, which he was dodging quite nicely and easily.

I stopped and grinned. "Okay! You're all better now!" They all looked confused for a while before sensei and Sasuke caught on.

Kakashi smiled and patted my head. "With you being trained by Tsunade-Sama, I had expected nothing less."

"Huh!? Kakashi-sensei why are you praising her!? She attacked you!!" Sakura shrieked. "No. Sakura, she was just testing his reflexes." Sasuke informed.

 Sakura blushed in embarrassment but then perked up. "Ah! Sasuke-Kun you're so observant!" she tried latching on him but he dodged. 

I turned to fully face them and then frowned. "Where's Naruto?" Sasuke grunted. "That dobe. He's still sleeping." 

"Oh." That sucks. 


Around 9 we left the house to return to the bridge this time. We were just at the start of the bridge when I froze slightly and suck in a sharp breath. My team, noticing my posture, turned to me with eyebrows raised. 

"What's up?" I closed my eyes for a brief moment and opened them. "I think, I may have overestimated how long Zabuza would be in bed." at the mention of missing-nin they tensed up.

"What!?" Tazuna exclaimed, utter fear reflecting his face. I hmmed. "I am very confident about my ability, the guy with him, must have been a better medical ninja than I thought. I sense their chakra. Though Zabuza's is weaker than before." 

I would suggest that we leave so we could get Tazuna out of here but. . .

"The brat's right. Kakashi." We looked ahead to see the unconscious body of the workers lying on the pavement along with Zabuza and . . .Haku. He had his mask on. 

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