|29| Jinchuriki of the Ichibi

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"Make sure to kick their butt." Ren. . . encouraged? Tamiko rolled her eyes. "She does not need you to tell her that." The Uzumaki's eye twitched.

I sweatdropped at them. "Mhm, I will. I'll also come back for a long period next time, I promise." I smiled. 

Oji-San stood in front of me with his hands behind his back and gave me a small smile. "Make sure to keep it." I nodded and gave them a closed-eyed smile as I waved and exited with Satoru.

We fazed outside again. "I see you and Tamiko-san have bonded over the month," Satoru commented. I nodded. "It's no surprise. Now, let's get back to Konoha, the exam is tomorrow." with that, he used his teleportation technique to get us back to Konoha.


"Jiji~" I sang as I approached the male who looked up from his book to glance at me. He smiled and gave me a wave. "Kiyoshi! Back, eh?"  I nodded and looked around. "Where is he?"



He nervously chuckled before rubbing at his nape. That's not a good sign. "Well, you see I had him learn the Kuchiyose no Jutsu and. . ."

I blinked. I blinked again. "JIJI!!"


"And that's why I'm here," I said and moved a shoji piece on the board. Shikamaru sighed. "Man, it's such a drag, the chunin exams I mean. If we're gonna be chosen by the Hokage whether we're gonna get a promotion or not then what's the point?" 

We were both in Naruto's room in the Hospital. The Kuchiyose no Jutsu had taken a troll on him and given him the worst thing a shinobi can get. Chakra exhaustion. I came to visit him and met  Shikamaru. He was here to visit Choji. The latter ate too much barbeque. 

"To fish out the possible candidates of course!" I said with a closed-eyed smile and a finger raised. I glanced back at the board and frowned, sweatdropping. "Well, shit." 

"Heh, Checkmate," Shikamaru smirked. I sulked "What I expected from a Nara. . ." Shikamaru sweatdropped and patted my shoulder.

Naruto started squirming and mumbling something along the lines of ramen. Slowly, he opened his eyes and glanced our way. He blinked a few times and rubbed at his eyes. "So, you decided to wake up, huh?" Shikamaru asked.

I chuckled. "Morning sleepy head."

Naruto, finally registering that I'm here grinned brightly. "Kiyo-Chan! You're back!" somehow he had the energy to tackle me in a hug. I smiled and returned it. "But. . ." Naruto said after pulling away, looking around the room. "Where am I?"

"The hospital. They sat you've been out cold like this for three days straight." Shikamaru answered. Naruto seemed confused by that. "Three days?"




"THREE DAYS STRAIGHT!?" He started freaking out. I laughed at his reaction, highly amused. "When's the final exam!?" Shikamaru, who was taken back at his sudden shouting and movement replied. "Tomorrow?" unsure of how to comprehend the situation.

That made Naruto shout even more until I grabbed him in a headlock. "Well, it looks like you're doing fine." I chirped making him calm down.

"But the exam is tomorrow! Where's Ero-Senin!? He was supposed to be supervising my training!!" I snorted at the nickname. Almost forgot he called Jiji that.

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