|32| Body-Flicker

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"For the next match, it's Senju Kiyoshi against Takagi Yuudai." The proctor announced and the crowd up roared in a cheer again.

"That's my cue," I said and jumped down the area with a flip gracefully. I held up a peace sign and smiled. "Yo." 

The guy came in a swirl of air, standing with his hands on both sides of his body. "How lucky I am. Being the one to defeat the Senju-Hime." He said in his airy voice. 

I hummed and tilted my head a bit. I was smiling. "Ara Ara~This type of cockiness is only tolerable from my pet duck. Hm, and since you're more like a twig," I widened my smile just a tad bit "I'd love to snap you!" 

Yuudai growled and glared at me. The proctor smirked. "YEAH! GO KIYO-CHAN!!" Naruto cheered. 

"Yeah, kick his butt Kiyoshi! Shannaro!!" Sakura yelled. Shannaro? Boy, the people in this village and their catchphrases. But thanks anyway Sakura.

"Alright then, start!" The proctor jumped away. Yuudai didn't move. Neither did I. We stood in a stand-off, both of us wanting the other to attack first.

"Bitch." I said being fed up and appeared behind him with a leg raised. I slammed it down, gifting the ground a crater.

I didn't get him. He somehow was standing where I was before. If my pre-meeting-Tamiko self was against him, I would have struggled badly but. . .

Tami-Chan didn't train no bitch!

I straightened myself up. "Ah, moving in swirls now are we?" I smiled.  Something about him just makes me want to cut his fingers off and feed it to him. Maybe it's because he works for that Pedophile.

Yuudai let out an airy laugh. "Yes, you've probably heard of my clan."

I blinked. "You're from a clan?" 

His eyes twitched as rage-filled them. "Yes, the Takagi clan. The strongest—"

"If it is then why haven't I heard of it?" I deadpanned.

Man, the dude was fuming now! "How dare you! I hate people like you! Being from a prestigious clan, always acting so high and mighty. My lord wants your blood and I shall give it to him. He's the only one who truly understands- . ." 

And I zoned him out. What? Not my fault that what he's saying is boring and I hate his lord. He wants my blood, eh? So he can utilize it for wood-style I guess. I have to drag out this match because Sasuke isn't here yet. That little shit.

Man, I wanted sensei to see my match! 

"Are you listening to me!?"

I shrugged. "Sorry dude, not my fault you're extremely boring." Damn, he's steaming now.

"You prestigious clan scum!!" He semi-yelled and waved hand signs. Two blades of wind came at me from both sides.

I jumped up and did a midair flip to avoid them. They crashed on the walls and made a deep slash.

"Not bad but can you doge this?" He had a crazed look on his face as he brought his hands up. A shadow loomed over me and I looked up to see some sort of ground? Platform? Whatever the hell is that. It looks like a ceiling honestly. Yuudai brought his hands down and the ceiling was free falling. 

I had a bored expression on my face as it fell. I held a fist up and when they collied, the ceiling was nothing but pebbles. 

The Takagi was obliviously shocked as he gasped. "That's my best friend dattebayo!!" Naruto cheered again.

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