|45| Hokage Proposal

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After a bit of walking, Jiji stopped making me bump into his back. I strumbled back and raised an eyebrow at him. "What?" Naruto popped his ballon in the process as well.

"Naruto, Kiyoshi, we're going to climb the castle."

"Why?" Naruto asked but Jiji had already started running there. "O-oi!" I yelled before grabbing Naruto's wrist — to which he yelped — and running behind him. 

When we reached the area, my eyes widened. We jumped atop a roof and looked at the damaged area. The so-called castle was fallen. What the fuck?

"Run! Run for your lives!" A civilian man screamed running with nothing but pure horror and fear on his face. "Oi! What's going on?" Jiji asked.

One man stopped in his tracks and turned to him with eyes wide as sweat ran down his forehead. "If you're smart you'll run too! There's a monster up there!" Monster? What in the world?

I closed my eyes momentarily and froze. Orochimaru. He was here, along with his bitch ass. . .and. . .Baa-chan!? Shizune-Nee too?! What the fuck?!

I turned towards the castle and started running. Jiji and Naruto followed. What the hell does he want with her? 

As we reached the main castle, I stopped when I noticed a destroyed wall. The males landed next to me. Naruto looked at the damage. "Wha- This looks like Kiyo-Chan punched it or something, dattebayo!"

That's because Baa-Chan was the one who punched it. Most likely at least.

"Looks like we're a little too late. We won't find her here." Jiji said and sighed, walking ahead. Naruto groaned out in frustration while I silently followed.

"Finding your aunt is difficult dattebayo. . ." He said. I hummed. "Yeah, well I believe we will find her by tomorrow if not today." He raised an eyebrow. "Hunches?" I smiled and nodded. "Hunches."

"Kiyo-chan, you're a bit weird 'ttebayo." I rolled my eyes and nudged his arm. "Oh hush, you love me." Naruto nudged me back and grinned. "Yup, you got that right!"

We kept talking throughout the search and soon enough the sun had set. I needed the distraction from my thoughts as much as Naruto needed a break from his training anyway. 

Orochimaru was and I think still is after Baa-Chan. The main reason for that could be him being severely injured from his fight with Sandaime and needing medical attention. Sandaime must have really done a number on him if he needs help from Baa-Chan.  

She's the best medic in the world but she quit that after she developed her fear of blood. I remember very clearly how I found out.


"Ouch!" My four old self exclaimed as I fell to my knees, scraping it. I winced as I sat up and brought my knee closer to me. It was bleeding. I started sniffling as tears threatened to fall out of my eyes at the stinging sensation. 

I stood up somehow and made my way back to our room in the inn we were staying in. I slide open the door and came inside, limping on one foot as a couple of tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Baa-Chan. . ." I whimpered. Upon my voice, she turned to me with concern lacing her brown eyes. "Kiyoshi? What's wrong?" She stood up from the bed and knelt to be on eye level with me. "Why are you crying?" She asked, wiping my tear away softly with her thumb.

"I-I hurt myself while playing. . .My knee hurts a lot." I frowned as did she. She looked at my knee only to freeze.

Her eyes widened and she started shaking. Violently too. As a four-year-old, this scared me a lot. "Nee-Chan!" I yelled, worried. "Nee-Chan! Something's happenin' to Baa-Chan!!"

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