|4| Emo duckbutt and cotton candy fangirl

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"Well looky here!" I pointed to Naruto who was proudly showing me his headband. He didn't come over last night so I was a little worried that he didn't pass. "My little boy is a Shinobi now!" I wiped a fake tear. It's kinda weird. I always feel this feeling of sisterly protection towards him. Well, I'll think about it later.

"Anyways," I leaned my hand on my cheek. "I can't believe your still bored Shikamaru."I was sitting next to him today. He yawned in response. "Man, teams are too troublesome." I chuckled and patted his back. "Sure. Considering I already know who is gonna be on your team it'll sure as hell be 'troublesome'."

The new generation of Ino-Shika-Cho. That means Ino will be with him. And she's. . .I don't even wanna say it.

"How do you- never mind. It's too much of a drag."

"Ne, Ne Kiyo-Chan do you know who'll be in my team?" Naruto turned his head to meet my gaze. "It depends. If you're a sensor then you could be with Hinata and the Inuzaka. If you excel in fuinjutsu then maybe some other group but if you're good in ninjutsu and taijutsu, then you might be with me." I explained and looked down to see his eyes sparkling.

Aw~ that's so cute! 

"I hope I'm with you dattebayo!" Just as he finished his sentence Ino and Sakura came rushing into the class. They started loudly exclaiming who came first and whatnot. I sweatdropped. 

Sakura is way worse than Ino. I feel sorry for whoever is gonna be in a team with her.

I turned back to Naruto to see him blushing. Oh boy. Naruto has a crush on Sakura. I don't get what he sees in her. She only cares about Sasuke and I don't want Naruto to get hurt.

Just as I finish with that thought I saw Sakura pushing Naruto away. I instantly caught him though. And ladies and gentlemen it begins! The fight for Uchiha by the fangirls.

"Ugh! What's so special about him anyway?" Naruto asked annoyed. I shrugged. "Beats me."

In an instant, Naruto was crouched in front of Sasuke and glaring at him. This, of course, got a reaction from his fangirls as they shouted at Sasuke to beat Naruto up.

Now what happened next was fast. Some guy bumped Naruto causing him to lean forward and. . .kiss Sasuke. 

Holy mother of fuck! This is some absolute entertainment in the gay section right here!! 

I laughed at their disgusted face and gagging. Man, I wish I had a camera. . .Does the old man's crystal ball capture pictures? He's spying on us at the moment anyway. Eh, I'll ask him.

"Na-ru-to." Ah shit. The fangirls were not happy. "Your dead!" They shrieked and lunged themselves towards him. Remember the sisterly protection feeling thingy? Oh, it's activated now!

Waving hand signs fast, I placed my hand on the ground and a mud wall came in between the girls and Naruto. They looked back at me with slightly wide eyes. "Let's not get violent now, shall we?" I gave a little smile, though it was threatening. 

The atmosphere of the classroom was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Iruka did that by simply entering. "Alright settle down everyone!" With a flick of my wrist, the mud wall came undone.

I sat with Shikamaru again. Sakura settled in front of me, next to Naruto. Ino settled on the other side of Shikamaru.

"As of today, you guys are real ninjas, but you are merely rookie genins so don't get ahead of yourselves. Now, I'll be assigning permanent 3-man teams, with an exception of a 4- member. Each team will be assigned an Elite Jonin." Iruka explained and smile a bit before continuing with the teams.

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