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"It's here" I said to myself.

I could see the mafia boss getting out of the car. By his left side was the first underboss Felix and by his right side stood consigliere Lee Know. His advisor. Just looking at them sent shivers through my spine. They were terrifying. 

Not really because of their appearance. They were attractive young men. But more because of I knew what they have done.

I stabilized my camera and started taking photos. The other gang boss got out of the car too and he and Bangchan started to discuss something.

"Oh, come on. Do something!" I quietly said hoping in some money exchange or something. Without it these photos will be worthless. No direct connection with Bangchan and the Stray Kids mafia nor evidence him being the boss. Just him having chat. 

Just when I thought that, the other members appeared and some of them were holding bags.

"Yeah, finally. This is gonna be good." I said to myself.

Maybe Aera was right. Maybe not everything has to be difficult. I said in my head and started to take even more photos. 

The photos were good. Focused on Bangchan's face and what he was doing so there shouldn't be any problem with identification. The exchange was over and I was more than enough satisfied with my work.

"Just one more photo." I said to myself and focused the camera. Just when I did so I could see how's Bang Chan turning and facing right into my camera lens. And what's more, he was smiling, right into the camera.

"That can't be." I said to myself. He can't know that I'm here. It was just coincidence, right? My heart was beating like crazy. 

I focused on the whole scenery and I noticed, that Changbin and Hyunjin weren't there.  How long is it since they left?

"Shit! They know about me." I said frustrated. I quickly shoved everything into my backpack and started running. We were in the forest, so there was small chance of me losing them if I'm gonna run fast enough and I'm not gonna be spoted by anyone.

"She's here!" I could hear someone loudly scream.

"Fuck! Shit! Shit! Shit!" I said and started to run even faster. I could feel my lungs burning but I couldn't stop now. I needed to run away from them.

All of sudden I saw Hyunjin standing just a few meters in front of me.

"Oh come on!" I said angrily. I turned around and ran in the other direction.

Okay, let's get this straight. I'm being chased by god's know how many people. Few of them already noticed me, one of them being capo of mafia group. Even if I were the fricking Usain Bolt, there's almost none chance for me to get out of here alive.

"Great." I said to myself. My body was fighting against me. I'm not gonna last for long. What am I gonna do?

"Hey you, stay where you are and nothing's gonna happen to you!" I could hear behind me. I guess it was Hyunjin, who I met before. Now I'm pretty glad that I have fast legs.  Even thought we met before, I was able to ran away from him. On the other hand, my stamina was pretty shitty. 

"Yeah, right. And I'm queen of the England. Like hell I will believe you. Do you think I'm an idiot?" I shouted and ran even faster.

Out of nowhere Changbin appeared in front of me. Fuck, he must had heard me before. Why was I answering? I mentally reproved myself.

I quickly turned around but behind me was already sweaty Hyunjin who was trying to catch his breath.

When I looked around I saw that I was already surrounded. Ah, is this really how it's going to end? Fuck. I hoped that I was going to die in much cooler way. 

"Hahaha. Look at you. You look like you're going to die any minute." Changbin said while he laughed at Hyunjin.

"You should try it yourself. Who would have thought that she was going to be this fast." said Hyunjin still trying to catch his breath.

This was my chance, now when they're distracted, I may not be able to save myself but I can still warn Aera.

I grabed my walkie-talkie and quickle shouted "Code yellow zebra, repeat yellow zebra." Just when I said that, I trew my walkie-talkie and destroyed it, so there was no way puting it back together.

Changbin and Hyunjin were all of sudden quiet and exchanged looks with each other. All I hoped for in that moment was that Aera got the message and was doing what we agreed on.

Code yellow zebra means: I was captured by enemy. DON'T try saving me. Hide yourself and evidence and wait for my later signal.

Don't ask me why yellow zebra. We were pretty drunk while writing these codes.

"You didn't even confiscated her walkie-talkie! Have you even search her?" said angrily Changbin to Hyunjin

"I already told you. She ran away from me! How could I search her or confiscated her any of her stuff." answered Hyunjin

"Fuck. Boss will be angry." said Changbin between his teeth.

"Let's get this over with. Hold her." Commanded Hyunjin to his people and they immediately grabbed me.

I was not gonna let them get rid of me so easily. I fought the best I could. I was biting, scratching, trowing punches. I got few people down but the moment I did, another one grabed me. It was all useless. But I was not gonna give in. I'm gonna fight till my last breath. That's what I decided for.

"Oh come on kitty. Don't make it any harder than it already is." said Hyunjin with a smirk on his face.

"This kitty is gonna rip your guts out." I said and smiled. You could see it surprised him.

"Hold her properly. We ain't got the whole day for this." Changbin said and helped the others to hold me. It almost felt like they were gonna rip my limbs. I had tears in my eyes but I was not gonna let them fall.

Hyunjin slowly got to me with injection in his hand that had something in it.

My eyes widened. Hell no. Kill me how much you want, but no one's gonna drug me and then sell me god knows where to god knows who.

I collected all the strengh that I had left and with loud screaming I broke away from them. They were all over me the next moment but I wasn't going to give up. I was bitting, punching. I even scratched pretty badly Changbin's face. Everything to get away.

"Ahhh. For god's sake. Give her the shot already, Hyunjin!" Changbin screamed.

"I know, jeez. I'm trying. Can't you see?!" Hyunjin shouted back at him.

That's when I felt how something pierced my skin. I felt how something got into my body.

"Fuck." I murmured. I was getting dizzy. My body stopped listening to me. All of sudden I was feeling sleepy. My muscles stoped working.

"It's alright. You can let go of her now. She's not going anywhere." said Hyunjin.

I fell down. I could feel ground under me. I was still trying to get away from them. I was crawling away. But whatever they drugged me with spread fast and my lids were getting heavier and heavier.

To the point where I blacked out completely.

Gonna get you | Bang Chan MafiaWhere stories live. Discover now