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Trigger warning! The following chapter contains material that may be harmful or traumatazing to some audiences. Such as mention of abuse, suicide etc. It is not suitable for anyone under age of 18 and may not be suitable for all adult readers. View at your discretion.

"I'm afraid, that I need to start from the very beginning." I said and looked at everyone.

"I would love to hear a little bit more about our y/n as a kid." said Felix and tried to encourage me. Everyone nodded in agreement. I drank my whole glass of wine at once for courage, let out an exhale and was ready.

"I was born to a very wealthy family. My father is a very successful business man and my mum was because of that a housewife. Even though she was one of the best students at university, so if she wanted to, she would become also very successful." I started and Han filled my glass of wine. I just smiled at him as a thanks.

"Two years later, my brother was born. Everything was perfect. Soon after other very successful family moved in next to us. And fate wanted it, they had daughter, that was the same age as me. Aviana, but I always called her Avi." I said and smiled at the memory.

"Soon after we became very close friends and later best friends. We attended the same academy. Attended the same lectures outside of academy. Had the same hobbies. I guess it was truly fate, that got us together." I looked at the members. Everyone was carefully listening to me. How cute. They are like kids in kindergarten and I'm their teacher.

"Me and Avi were very good students. Everything was perfect, right?" I said and ironically laughed at it.

"But soon enough we found out, that life is not perfect. And so are not people.When we were 8, Avi father's business got in debt and he had to stop. And in those times of desperation, he didn't rely on his family. But on alcohol. Soon after, his wife leaving them" I sipped my wine. I'm probably gonna be drunk, before I finish this story, but I really need it.

"Around that time I realized, that my family isn't the best either. My brother grew up and started to attend kindergarten and some other stuff. He had one of his very first accomplishments and that was the time, when it started to go downhill. No matter, what I've done in the following years, I was never as good as my brother. I was never enough. I never was my brother." I said deep in my thoughts.

"Back then it was hard for me to understand, but I know now, that it wasn't my fault. I did the best I could and I was still a failure to my parents. It wasn't because of my incompatibility, but because my parents didn't want a daughter. They didn't want me. However, me and Avi stayed friend and were there for each other no matter what. When we grew older, time to time she appeared in school with some bruises. Isn't it irony? Source of our problems was the same. Our family." I said smiling and drinking wine.

"I was told by my mother to not be a burden and do what I can, so they wouldn't have to be ashamed of me. That I need to try harder, that I'm not good enough. Avi being told, that it's all her fault, that business of her father ended. I was lucky enough, that my family got famous and we appeared from time to time in medias, so my father couldn't beat me up. Or at least not that much, that I would have bruises. It wouldn't be nice on photograph, right?" I said with a little laugh.

"What about your brother? He didn't do anything?" asked Changbin.

"He tried, but no matter what he did, I was the one getting punished. Either I was not good enough and I deserved a slap or my brother got worse because of me, it was my fault and I deserved a slap. He tried, he really did. He didn't like it just much as me, maybe even more, but there was nothing we could do." I said and smiled at the memory of my brother. I miss him.

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