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Bang Chan POV

When I.N started his monologue I stepped back and went to the rest of the members.

While walking towards to them I watched their expressions.

Han and Felix looked little bit worried but you could see, that they believed in y/n and her's victory. Changbin looked serious and I could easily say, that he took Hyunjin's side and wanted him to win. Minho was just standing there and observing and analyzing them just like he always does. And Seungmin looked little bit anxious but you could see on his face, that he was enjoying it at the same time.

I stood between Minho and Seungmin and looked over at y/n and Hyunjin with which ones I.N was explaining the rules.

"Are you sure about this, Chan?" asked me Seungmin.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked and looked at him.

"Well, it's not like I don't believe y/n. But, Hyunjin is still pretty mad about before. And this time, he can truly hurt her. I don't think he will be holding back." answered me Seungmin.

I looked at him and then at Hyunjin and y/n. I know, that he is still holding some anger in him. He and Changbin. So I was glad, that he volunteered, so that he can finally fight like he wanted. But seriously hurting y/n? I haven't thought about that.

"I'll stop him. I won't let him seriously hurt her. Him or anyone else. She's safe with me." I said seriously and looked at Seungmin.

"Oh come on guys. I don't think we need to be really worried about her." said Minho calmly.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Seungmin and we both looked at him.

"Well, Aera told me, that she trained her. You know, she was scared, that she might hurt her because of her zoning out. So she made sure, that y/n will be able to protect herself from her. And what I heard, she wasn't that bad." said Minho and looked at y/n.

"Wait, if she's half as good as Aera..." started Seungmin but didn't ended.

"Yup." answered just simply Minho.

"What is going on right now? What have I missed?

"Well, my question didn't change. Are you sure about this, Chan? Think about poor Hyunjin!" said Seungmin with worried look.

"Just what exactly happened?" I asked and looked at them confused.

"You will see soon. And if she's half as good as Aera says, then this will be true show. You can look forward." said Minho

I just looked in front of me in confusion. What do they mean by that?

I looked at y/n. She was standing there and she was seemingly nervous. Her breath was irregular. Her hands were shaking. 

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

I watched her closely. She closed her eyes and was breathing deeply. 

My eyes were captured by her. I couldn't help it. My eyes were trailing all of her body. 

Just when my eyes came back to her eyes she opened them.

And smirked. 

God. This girl smirked. That caught me off guard.

Fuck. If she only new how powerful she is with it. She got me weak.

Shit. This girl, I swear to god, I will get her. I have to. I need to.

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