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After saying goodbye with Han I went to run a few more errands. I met with staff of this mansion and found out, what they needed me to order for them and wrote down their complaints and remarks.

It was quite quick and when I looked at the time on my phone I found out, that it was already 7:45. I had 5 hours and 15 minutes to finish my work. But considering the lunch with Han and Felix, I had just 4. 

"Better hurry." I said to myself and went straight to Bang Chan's office.

I tried to quietly open the door to not disturb him and sneak in. But even though I tried, he looked up from whatever he was doing at the moment and stared at me. 

I stopped in the middle of my movement and looked at him back. Suddenly I was nervous and was scared to even breathe. Have I done something wrong? Why was he staring on me? 

He slowly looked at every part of my body. From head to toe. And then the other way around. From toe to my head. That's where he stopped. He stared at my face.  

Maybe not face, but eyes. He was staring right into my eyes. He was hypnotizing them. Was is because I didn't knock before I came in? Why isn't he saying anything?

"D Do you want me to do something?" I stuttered out panicked.

"What?" asked Bang Chan and it was like he just woke up from some kind of trance.

"You, you stared at my since I came here, so I wondered, do you want me to do something? Or can I just continue with my work?" I asked still with nervousness in my voice.

Do I see properly? Did just Bang Chan's cheeks turned a little bit red?

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just deep in my thoughts. I didn't mean to stare at you. I didn't even realize you were here. Next time knock before you come in." said Bang Chan and began to work again.

"I'm sorry. Next time I will knock." I said and sat behind my desk.

Maybe it was just play of light. Bang Chan and turning red? Oh come, what a nonsense.

I started to work like crazy. I mustn't waste a single second. Luckily, I have the most time consuming tasks finished. The rest shouldn't take so much time.

I started to work, but in that moment my phone lit up with new notification. I unlocked it and found out, that Han created a group chat with him, me and Felix.

"Hey! Me and y/n thought, that we three could have lunch together. What do you think Lix?" texted Han.

"Omg. Like for real? That sounds great. So you two got along? That's amazing! We can do some stuff together." texted super excited Felix with a bunch of smiling emojis.

"Yeah, me and Han found out, that we have the same sense of humour and we even quite enjoyed to spend the time together. And I would love to hang out with you, guys." I replied with a winking emoji.

"Who said, that I want to hang out with you guys? I just want to go to lunch with you, so that you could pay for me." texted Han.

"Then I'm sorry. But we both know, that I'm broke af right now. I wanted to be that one, who will make you pay for me." I replied with crying emoji.

"Omg, guys. I hate you, but I will pay for you. In exchange, I want to hear about all of the stuff, that happened, while I wasn't there and I want to get to know you better." texted Felix.

"Deal. I'll never refuse a free lunch." replied quickly Han with smirking emoji.

"Felix, that was just a joke, you don't have to pay for us. But when you insist so much, I also can't say no." I texted also with smirking emoji.

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