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I woke up in the morning and felt the ache run throughout my body. It wasn't the normal type of ache, that hurts, is annoying and you feel like throwing a whole cabinet at the first person that you see.

It's the pleasant type. The one that makes you remember everything that happened the day prior, everything good, everything, that you did that makes your body ache today.

I slowly opened my eyes and just stared at the ceiling for a bit. I was trying to gather my thoughts and myself. 

All of the memories from yesterday, the mission, the worries about me and Bang Chan, I'll just ignore all of it for now. For a little while. I just want to have a peace in my mind, even if it's just for this morning.

Just for as long as I lie here with him.

I turned my head to the left and saw him. Saw his chest slowly getting up and then down again. His peaceful face that he has only when he sleeps. Because only then he is worry-free. Only then he is not the mafia boss nor leader of a group. He's just him. Just Bang Chan. Just a human being lying next to another human being. Next to me.

This man is hella lucky that my ache is not the first type but the second. He's the first one that I see, so you can be sure, that the cabinet would end up on him. Considering the fact, that he's the reason why my body hurts this way, maybe even a nightstand would end up on him as a bonus.

I looked at him and saw him open his eye. He looked at me for a moment and then stretched himself.

"You're awake?" he asked with a raspy morning voice. 

"No I...what do you think? Of course I'm awake. You literally saw me with opened eyes staring at you...Never mind. That cabinet is going to end up on you." I said and just slightly shook my head in disbelief, while sitting up.

"What...cabinet?" he just asked confused as he rubbed his eyelids.

"You wouldn't get it." I just said and waved my hand in gesture to let it be.

"It looks like you have a lot on your mind." He said and smiled.

"I always have a lot on my mind,if you haven't noticed. I'm a busy woman." I said and smiled back at him. I stood up and went to get my clothes to dress up.

Maybe that nightstand won't end up on him. I'm not so sure about that cabinet, though.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked as he slowly walked up to me and hugged me around my waist.

"It wasn't that bad." I said and jokingly shrugged my shoulders.

"Wasn't that bad?" Bang Chan asked and raised his eyebrow.

"Hm, it wasn't that bad." I said and nodded my head knowing, that he expected a whole different answer. But I just can't help myself, I love to tease him.

"Well, then maybe I haven't tired you enough? Maybe I should try to do it again and redeem myself, huh?" he said with a smirk on his face and gently kissed my shoulder. He tightened his grip on me and I could feel butterflies all over my body.

"Like hell. We don't have time for that."I said and turned around to look at him.

"We have a lot of stuff to do, you know. Like finishing up the mission and so much more." I said and had a serious look on my face.

"I think that we have all the time in the world. After all, I'm the boss, so it's up to me when we'll work and we won't." he said with a smirk on his face. I put my hand on his mouth and slightly tilted my head to the side.

"And I'm your assistant and my job is to make you work even if you don't want to." I said and laughed at him for a bit. He acted like a little kid. I can't tell why, but I liked it.

He took off my hand from his mouth and gently kissed it.

"Not my assistant. You aren't just my assistant for a while now." he said with a serious look and it caught me off guard.

He's right. These feelings that I have. We don't have just boss and his employee type of relationship. We're not even friends or friend with benefits. This relationship... It's way more.

The way my heart beats when I see him. The way I impatiently wait for him to text me back. The way he's the first one that comes to my mind when I hear romantic song in the radio. He's the last one I think about before I close my eyes and drift to sleep and he's the first one I think about when I open them once again in the morning.

All of these things and more. And I'm more than aware of it. I would be stupid if I didn't realize this fact myself a long time ago. 

I've fallen in love with you. I've fallen for you. Unconditionally and unchangeably.

"Okay, that's enough for now, mr. Boss, we need to go to the mansion and figure out the situation. I wonder if the guys are alright." I said and dressed myself up.

"No need to worry about them. They can handle things. Wait, now that I think about it, you're more eager to see them than being here with me, aren't you?" he said and looked at me with a betrayal in his face while he dressed himself as well.

I just raised my eyebrow. What the hell is going on with this guy this morning?

He suddenly pointed at me and had his mouth wide opened.

"You're silent. So it's the truth. I knew it! You're back with me just so that you can see the guys again." he said, put his hands on his hips and shook his head in disapproval.

"That cabinet is really going to end up on you." I said and walked to him. I buttoned up his shirt and breathed out.

"Are you trying to be as childish as you can be today? Is this some kind of bet or something?" I asked and looked at him.

"What? It was you who haven't answered my accusation. So it's clear as day. Silence means agreement." he said and smiled. He teases me and I don't mind it at all. I missed it. I missed it very very much.

"If I remember correctly from my lessons of law, silence can never be considered as a agreement."I said and smirked.

"You had lessons about law?" he asked surprised.

"Just the basics in high school. Surprised?" I asked and got myself together in front of a mirror.

"With you? Always. There's always something on you that surprises me. There's always something more that I can admire. It makes me proud to know, that someone so amazing is by my side. I'm so lucky." he said with a proud smile on his face and I was taken aback by this action. I could feel a warmth spread across my cheeks. I must be blushing.

"Well..." I started and shook my head a little bit to wake myself up from those feelings. "If  mr. Lucky is over with his jealousy, we can now go and take a look on the guys." I said and went to the door of our room.

"You see. I was right. You're at it again. Again with the boys." he said smiling and stood there without even a sign of planning to move even a bit in the nearest future.

"Okay, fine. You're right. I want to see them." I said and walked up to him. I grabbed his hand and looked at him.

"But you're the one that I want by my side. So, does it matter?" I said and dragged him with me from the room.

He seemed dazed by my sudden words, but a pleasant smile appeared on his face.

"Well, as long as I'm the one by your side, I don't mind." he said and smiled.



Damn it, this man. He knows exactly what to say to make me fall for him harder.

Gonna get you | Bang Chan MafiaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang