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Bang Chan POV

After y/n went to the dance floor me and the guys found a nice spot in the corner of the club, where we are basically invisible but at the same time we have a nice view on everyone else.

Y/N sat down on a chair by the bar and exchanged a few words with the barman.

My thoughts went back to what happened just a few minutes ago. I still couldn't believe it. 

I'm not sure what I expected of this but it surely wasn't this.

I totally lost hope that me and y/n could ever be something again. I didn't even expect to be able to talk to her again. Especially after she gave me the cold shoulder at the beginning of this night.

It's not like I don't deserve it and it's not like I'm not aware of it.

But the more I was happy when I found out that y/n was willing to chat with me tonight after this mission.

And maybe she'll even consider going out with me if I'll be very lucky and nifty enough with my flirting skill. But before that, I owe her a real big apology.

I'm aware that I've broken her trust and that it will never be the same, but I'll do anything and everything to compensate for that. 

I'll do anything she tells me to do.



After our conversation, if  I can even call it a conversation, I really got my hopes up.

Simply just because... she smiled.

She truly smiled.

It was just a small, quick smile.

And yet it  got my hopes so much up. I just couldn't help myself. 

I guess I was really a no-hoper.

And when it comes to her... hopelessly in love.

Minho POV

"I gotta tell you, I certainly did not expect this." said Han next me and got me out of my thoughts. Once again. He always does that.

"Well, it's not like we didn't know that y/n is unpredictable and trouble-maker. But as long as it works, I guess it's fine." I said and looked at Han. He was right next to me. He was looking at the dance floor and when I followed his gaze I found out, that he was watching y/n.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine. She can take care of herself. That's why we chose her for the mission." I said and tried to calm  his nerves a bit.

"I know. I just can't help myself..." Han started but stopped for a moment. I remained silent and gave him time and space to gather his thoughts.

"It's just, something feels really off, Minho. Don't you feel it?" asked Han and looked at me with all his seriousness. 

I looked at y/n and then at Han. I furrowed my eyebrows. Is that so?

Han was usually right about these things. What was I missing? What have I not noticed?

I was in deep thought once again, trying to figure this out, when I felt a little tug of my sleeve.

I looked up at Han, who was the culprit of getting me out of my deep thoughts once again, and saw him nodding towards Bang Chan. 

When I looked at him, I knew right away. It's not like I didn't expect it, but it was quite inconvenient for me right now to say the least.

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