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I went through the halls back to the dining room.

My heart still beating and my cheeks slightly red. I need to put myself together. No one must know. This must stay just between us. Just between me and Bang Chan.

When I entered the dining room, everyone was already sat down. Their conversations slowly stopped, when they realized, that I came back.

"Come and sit down, y/n." I could hear Han shout at me. I just slightly smiled and went to him.

"You can sit here." Han gestured at chair, that was between I.N and him.

"Thank you very much." I just smiled and sat down.

"We needed to change the seating a little bit. I hope you don't mind sitting here." said Felix and looked at me with a bright smile.

"Sure, no problem." I said and reciprocated the smile.

"Of course she doesn't mind. I'm the one sitting next to her." said Han, like it was the most obvoius thing.

"You sitting next to her is the reason, why I'm asking." answered Felix sassy, but still having his angelic smile on face.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Han and pretended, that he's offended.

I couldn't help but smile a little bit.

The chair at the table's end was free. I presume Bang Chan's seat. On Bang Chan's right sat Changbin, then Minho, Hyunjin and Seungmin. On Bang Chan's left sat Felix, then Han, me and I.N.

"Nothing really." answered Felix.

After this a silence took over. The atmosphere intensed. It was like everyone desperately wanted to know something. But what?

I looked at other's faces n confusion and then my eyes met up with Minho. When he saw my cnfusion, he decided to do something with this situation.

"I'll ask since no one else seems like doing it and everyone wants to know." Minho started but it didn't really help with my confusion.

"Did you kill him?" Minho just casually asked.

"I did what?" I asked shocked.

"Well, you two were gone for a while and you know, y/n. You were pretty mad at Chris." said Felix.

"Yes, I was mad at him, but that doesn't mean, that I killed him." I defended myself.

"Thanks god." said I.N next to me.

"You guys, you haven't really thought, that I killed him, right?" I said and hoped, that all this was just a stupid joke.

"Well..." said Han.

"Oh come on, I would never do something like that." I said and felt betrayed. They really thought that?

"You are capable of doing that. I don't know if mentally, but physically, you would be able to kill him."said Changbin.

"Oh come on, I'm not even that strong. You've seen it. When I fought with Chan, I had no chance against him." I defended myself.

"You don't need to be strong if you have a knife." answered Han.

"You! Aren't you supposed to be on my side?" I said and looked at Han in disbelief.

"Then, what took you so long?" asked  I.N.

"Oh, well." I started but couldn't help and remembered all that happened. I could feel my cheeks burn again. Come on, y/n. Not now. 

"Well, something urgent came up and I was helping Chan with it as his assistant. He should be here any minute, he still needed to do few more things." I said just like Chan suggested me before.

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