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I was riding shotgun while Hyunjin was driving. We were on the way for like an hour already and it didn't seem like we were any near to our desired destination. The road was horrible and I couldn't wait to get out of the car.

A few days ago Chan allowed me to join them on some mission. So here I am now, driving with Hyunjin to make a deal, that Seungmin arranged some time ago. We were supposed to exchange drugs for money. Give new supplies to a dealer. Nothing difficult.

But that's exactly how Chan wanted it. An easy mission to find out if I'm ready for something more...exciting, difficult, dangerous ? Who knows, the only thing, that really matters is me not screwing things up.

I know, that I don't really need these missions anymore. I'm not doing an article about Stray Kids anymore, but I still could use a little bit of excitement. To be honest, I will use any excuse to get out of that mansion. I really need some fresh air. 

Plus, I guess I can use my experiences from these missions to write new article about the gang Hyun. It's not like I will see them in action but seeing how it works in real life can help me understand their way of thinking and their goals.

It can help me understand more Chan. But that's something I don't want them to know.

"Nervous?" asked Hyunjin and gave me a short side look.

"Not really, more like excited. It's been a while since I was in action." I said with calm voice. It was true, I was more nervous of screwing things up rather than of the potential danger.

"It can be dangerous."Hyunjin added.

"That's the exciting part, isn't it?" I said with a small smile and looked at him.

"Fearless. We'll see how long it will last." Hyunjin said with a little laugh in his voice.

"No need to worry. It's not my first time meeting someone, who might be dangerous." I said and looked again on the road in front of me.

"Dangerous is not the right word. They might kill you." said Hyunjin with furrowed eyebrows and serious look.

"I know, Hyunjin. Don't worry. They would not be the first one to try it, but it would be the last thing they would try." I said confidently and looked at him.

"Okay then, I knew what I was doing when I asked Chan to let you join me on this mission. I see I don't need to worry about you. Sorry, I needed to reassure myself." he said with a wide smile on his face this time.

"That's okay, I just hope that you will be as good as you represent yourself." I said smiling.

"You will see it yourself soon. We're here." said Hyunjin and stopped the car.

When I looked around, there was nothing that I could recognize. Were we still in Seoul? I was in the "underworld" a few times. But certainly not in this part of the underworld.

"Don't worry, as long as you will be by my side, nothing will happen to you." said Hyunjin. He must have noticed my kinda worried look.

There's no time or place to show weakness. I know how it goes. Show a sign of possibly being used and you will be used.

Hyunjin leaned on the car's hood. I was standing few meters from him and patiently waiting.

After few minutes an old car appeared in front of us. A tall guy with greasy hair came out of it. He had the most creepy smile that I've ever seen. 

"Hey, Jin, what's up?" asked the guy and leaned on his car's hood.

Jin? This is the first time I heard anyone call Hyunjin that way.

"Ain't much." Hyunjin said like if he were just talking to some old friend of his.

"Doesn't seem that way." said the guy and nodded mine way. The creepy smile appeared on his face again. He was undressing me with his eyes. Gross.

But I didn't even flinch. I was standing there with a poker face, analyzing this guy. He couldn't be much older than me or Hyunjin.

"She's just here to help me, nothing else." said Hyunjin and shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe she could help me too, after this." said the guy and licked his lips.

Shivers went down my spine. I just hoped that nobody noticed that. Gross was a weak word, he was disgusting.

"Forget it." said Hyunjin and had something in his eyes... was it protectiveness, was he trying to protect me? How nice of him. But this act of him brought me back to reality. I don't need anyone to protect me. I can take care of one creepy guy.

"You have it?" asked Hyunjin with a slight impatience in his voice.

"Of course." smiled the guy and went to the car's trunk.

He came back with a black sport bag in his hand, that he shortly after threw towards us.

Hyunjin knelt to the bag and opened it. There were a lot of big packs of 50,000 krw banknotes. 

"Go on, count them." said confidently the guy and lit a cigarette.

Hyunjin slightly ran his hand over the money packs and did some quick calculations in his head. Then he nodded and went to our car's truck.

I looked at the money in the bag and that's when it hit me. I kneeled to them and took one banknot. There was no doubt.

"You have another?" I asked the guy and nodded towards the cigarette in his mouth. It was the first thing that I said since we arrived.

"Sure." he said and the scary smile of his appeared on his face again. He reached out his hand with another cigarette to me. I grasped quickly the cigarette and was searching for a lighter in my back pocket for a while.

I had it out of habit. I used to smoke for a while, but I quitted. It's been a long time since I had a cigarette. Until now I haven't even realized how much I missed it. But this was an exception. I'm not planning to start again. Getting rid of this habit was hell, that I don't want to go through ever again.

I lit the cigarette, inhaled the biggest dose of nicotin that I could and slowly walked back to the bag. Hyunjin was just coming back with a sport bag, that looked exactly the same as the one, that lied in front of us.

I let out all the smoke.

He was just about to throw the bag to the guy, but I reached my hand in front of him as a sign to stop. 

He did. He didn't say anything but did give a questioning look.

I walked towards the bag with the money and threw my cigarette inside of it. The whole bag caught fire in no time and now both of the boys were looking at me like crazy.

"What are you doing?" panicked the, for me still nameless, guy. Hyunjin just stood next to me with a mouth wide open. He must think, that I'm crazy and that it was his life worst decision to take me on this mission. 

Oh lord, how wrong he was. Take me on this mission was his best decision ever. I just saved his ass.

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