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Bang Chan POV

"She's here guys!" screamed Seungmin behind me.

Even though I was pretty sure, that the rest of the guys were right behind us I couldn't waste any more time.

We've already wasted too much of it.

I saw y/n, how she was trapped in between the wall and Jae. The way she looked. Scared? No, maybe disgusted? Or maybe just fucking pissed.

I'm not sure and it wasn't important at that moment. She was in danger and that was all I could think about.

I stopped thinking rationally like I always used to and let my body move on my own. 

I was next to Jae just in a few seconds. I wasn't aware that I was coming towards them, until I was there. I grabbed his shoulder and pushed him with all my force away from y/n. 

He almost fell on the ground but was able to gain stability just in time. I turned around to face him and punched him right in his face.

Right, that's what this fucking perv deserves. And that's just the beginning.

He put his hand on his face and looked at me with wide eyes as if not believing, that this is really happening. He shook his head a little bit to wake himself up and got ready to fight me. 

He tried to punch me but I easily dodged it and punched him once again. I could tell it angered him.

Good. That's good. I'm also angry right now. I'm furious. The blood is boiling inside of me. How can someone like he dare to touch y/n. To even think about her. To exist in the same world like her.

That is unacceptable. You won't get away with this so easily. No one will save you now.

From then on I completely lost my mind. I wasn't thinking anymore. I just punched him, again and again. 

At first he was trying to fight back, but after a while he fell on the ground and I got the ultimate advantage. I was punching him in hope, that it would calm me down a bit, but the reality was different.

He tried to at least protect himself from my fists but that only angered me more. I had tunnel vision. I was not able to think about anything else but punishing him for what he has done to y/n.

"Chan, that's enough!" shouted someone next to me and grabbed my arm. I mind was so full of anger that without thinking I wanted to get rid of this person that was stopping me and threw my fist towards them.

But before it hit this person, someone else grabbed my other arm and I was unable to move, let alone hit anyone for the time being.

"Calm down man. It's us!" said the other person, that was holding my arm. I took a few deep breaths and then looked around.

On the right was Changbin holding my arm and on the left was Hyunjin. They were trying to stop me from beating up this fucker.

"If you'll continue like this for a few more seconds, you'll definitely kill him. And getting rid of a dead body is a real pain in the ass, so please, try to calm yourself a bit." said Minho.

I took a few more deep breaths to completely calm myself down and then nodded in agreement to let the guys know, that they can let me go.

Hyunjin and Changbin let go of my arms and Changbin helped me to get on my feet again, while Hyunjin squeezed my arm to assure me, that they were here for me.

I thanked them and looked around me. Minho was standing above Jae and Seungmin kneeled next to him, measuring his pulse to make sure, that he was still alive. Han was few meters away from us talking to someone on the phone, probably trying to gain control over things.

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