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"Hey, are you alright? You must be exhausted. It has been tough day for all of us." said Bang Chan with worried voice.

"Don't act like you really care." I said annoyedly and tried to stand up again.

Unfortunately my legs weren't ready yet, so I quickly ended up in Bang Chan's hands again.

"Be careful there!" he said and he hold me tightly, so I wouldn't be able to move anymore and fall again.

"Y'know, I'm fed up with this fake concern of yours." I said but didn't let go of him. I was smart enough to understand, that my body won't work any time soon.

"Is it really so unbelievable to think, that we might actually care about you?" Bang Chan said and sat me down carefully like I was some kind of porcelain doll.

"Yeah. It seems like you keep forgetting, that I've been watching you for a few months now. I know what you're doing. What you're capable of." I said and watched him walk away from the room to get something, that was on the ground ,on the way back he turned on the lights.

You gotta be kidding me. There was a switch the whole time?

"Exactly, you've been watching us for a while. So I'm pretty sure you know we never hurt innocent people. That's our rule number one." he said and knelt beside me, so that our faces were on the same level and I didn't have to look up to him all the time.

"Just because you don't kill  what you call innocent people, doesn't mean you don't kill people in general. And then if you do, another problem occurs. The definition of innocent. What is still allowed and is considered alright and what is already too much and what makes you loose the label innocent." I said and looked him seriously into his eyes.

"It's not up to you to decide this. We have courts, judges, laws, police. They are the one fighting it.  That's the only right way." I said and waited for his reaction.

"Even if it means, that there will be hundreds, no, thousands of criminals out there, in the freedom, not being punished for the atrocities, that they've done?" He observed me. This whole time, he was observing me, analyzing every single one of my reactions.

I sincerely thought about what he said and then continued.

"How I see it, every system will have their pros and cons.  Just like mine also yours have. The difference between these two is, that mine has strictly set bounds, that everyone knows and they can expect according to them respective punishment." 

"Then I'm sorry, but I don't see the difference. Just like you up there have police, we also control what's going on in the what you call underworld. We have strictly set rules and punishments for cases when you break them. The difference is, that we have just one punishment for every broken rule. And that is death."

"First of all, there's huge difference. You have absolute power. We have it seperated. The one who caught the criminals isn't also the one, who judges them." I started but was interrupted by Bang Chan

"I didn't say that the one who caught them is the one who judges them." He said and smirked at me.

"Alright then, you want to tell me, that you have a whole process of proving guilt of this person, with evidence, lawyers and all this, just like at actual court? So you could be sure, that this person, that was charged is truly guilty and no innocent? Cause I pretty much doubt that" I said with great confidence in my voice.

"You're right. We don't. On the other hand, it's not like when you put charges against someone, they're automatically guilty. You also must have evidence. You're comparing us to the state, when you should more compare us to company. We work more like this." He said and smiled.

"Still, killing someone is inhuman. No one has the right to take someone life. And what's more, death is not really a punishment, it's an easy way how to get away from what you've done and have none responsibility." I said and thought about his words. It's not like I'm gonna change my mind, but still, I was reporter. The first ability you need to learn is to look at the same thing from many point of views.

"You're right." Bang Chan said and offered me bottle, that he was holding this whole time.

"What exactly am I right about?" I said and looked at the suspicious bottle.

"In everything that you just said. And take it finally." He said and forced me the bottle.

"What's in it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

"Water. You'll feel better afterwards. Just drink it." said Bang Chan and rolled his eyes.

"How am I supposed to know, that there's only water in it and nothing else?" I said and still wasn't sure whether to drink it or not.

"If it was just water, the migraine that you have would not go away." he said impatiently.

"How can I trust you, that there's no poison in it, or something like that?" I asked him still kinda unsure.

"Guess you'll have to believe me and take your chances." said frustrated Bang Chan and gestured me to finally drink the water.

He was so fed up with me and my bullshit.  And I knew it. And loved it. I smiled and put the bottle to my lips. What's the worst that could happen? It would kill me? Well, jokes on you, I don't really care anymore.

I gulped the first sip and jeez. It was euphoria. I didn't even realize how much thirsty I was, until now. I drank the whole bottle at once.

After I drank it all I felt little bit better. I heard how Bang Chan let out a exhale but decided to ignore it. I finally looked around me and scanned the room with my eyes.

There was a lot of devices, that were used for torturing. Whips, knives, nails and god knows what else.

I looked at Bang Chan with smirk.

"Into BDSM, are we? Or maybe you have some torture kink?" I teased him with a smirk

"Why do you ask? You want to try?"  he asked also with smirk. 

"Maybe, someday. But not today, I'm way too tired for it." I said and stood up.

"Then, I guess you can follow me. I have different offer for you. And I'm pretty sure you won't say no to this one." He said and came out of the room.

I spent one more look at this room and got lost in my thought for a little bit.

"If you like this room so much, you can just stay here, y'know?" Bang Chan teased me.

"It wasn't the worst. I'm giving it 3 stars out of 5." I said and tried to look serious.

"Maybe I should buy a hotel, if this is 3 out of 5." said Bang Chan and we both laughed.

I still didn't believe him, but I guess I was willing to give him a chance. If I'll gain something from it too.

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