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"It's not like it matters, does it?" I said with a smile on my face and walked slowly towards him.

I leaned on the car right next to him and took his cigarette.

"You wanted my help after all of this, right?" I said and looked at him.

"I don't think I can help you, you know." I said and the guy just looked at me with his mouth wide open. Just like Hyunjin, he was staring at me not believing his eyes.

"What's your name?" I asked casually as if nothing happened.

"Gyeon." the guy blurted out, still shocked and not understanding, what is going on.

"Gyeon, I'm kinda new in this whole mafia thing, so maybe you can answer my question. In the end, you're not new in this kind of bussiness, right?" I asked smilling and he just continued in staring at me.

"I wonder, what happens to people, that try to deceive the mafia and give them fake money? What is their punishment?" I smiled and smoked from his cigarette. He just stared at me as if he had been struck by lighting. I could see how it clicked in Hyunjin head and he all of sudden understood of all of my actions.

"You know, whatever the punishment is, I don't think I can help you. Or more like save you. I don't think you are going survive this. And I don't think I even want to help you." I said smiling. Who's got the upper hand now, you creep?

I could see how Gyeon's hand is trying to get to his pocket unnoticed.

"Hands up." I said and and pressed a knife to his back. I had it prepared behind his back for a while now. It seems like he didn't notice until now.

He immidiately raised his hands to show me, that he was unarmed.

I inhaled nicotin from the cigarette for the last time and then threw it on the ground and step on it. While doing so, I shiffted my hand with a knife, so now it was aiming right at his throat. Just a quick small move and I could kill him.

"I have one more question." I said and Gyeon hurriedly nodded with his head, almost cutting his own throat because of that movement.

"I'll answer anything. Just please, let me live. I promise I won't do anything like this ever again." he said and I would be even more disgusted by him if it was possible.

"I know that you won't. But I don't need your promise to figure that out. They will take care that you won't do anything like this ever again." I said and nodded towards Hyunjin. Gyeon just slowly gulped.

"How many times have you done this?" I asked and looked at him seriously. He hesitated with his answer, so I continued.

"Try lying and I will cut your throat in a second." I won't. I hate killing. But he doesn't know that.

"It it was my first time. I swear. It was my first time trying something like that, please, don't kill me." he said with a tears almost rolling down his face. Was I that frightening? 

Damn, I'm cool.

"M'kay. You got him, Hyunjin?" I asked and when I looked next to me, Hyunjin was already there pointing his gun on Gyeon.

I only had this knife. I put it back to my pocket.

But to be honest, I didn't want even that when we were getting ready. But Chan forced it to me. Now I'm glad I have it. I'm glad Chan forced it to me.



"You need something more to protect yourself than just your fists." said Chan. We were in my room. I only just changed into clothes for the mission and now was trying to figure out, what exactly I should have with me.

"I don't want it Chan. It's not like we are planning to kill someone. You know my opinion on this. I don't want any kind of weapon with me." I said and faced him.

I could see he was worried. But there was really no reason for it. I can take care of myself.

"Hyunjin is going to be with me." I tried to calm him down a little bit.

"And what if something happens to him? What will you do then?" he asked and furrowed his eyebrows.

"We're going to just exchange drugs for money. No need to worry." I said and gently smiled at him.

"You never know, y/n. What if something really does happen. And there will be nobody to help you and you won't even have this stupid knife with you to help yourself." he said with a stern voice.

"Just, please, take it. Even if it's just for my good feeling. I'm already worried to death by letting you go. Just the thought of you getting hurt boils my blood." Chan said and forced the knife into my hand.

"Just please, allow me this little comfort. Allow me the thought of you having a knife and being able to protect yourself. I know, that I'm being selfish. But please, allow it to this poor guy, that can't imagine his life without you anymore." said desperately Chan and lightly kissed me on the hand, that was now holding the knife.

"Okay, I will take it." I said and I could see a little relief in Chan's eyes. I put the knife in one of my big pockets, that I had on my trousers.

"Thank you." he said and kissed me. It was deep kiss. Full of love and fear of losing the other.

You idiot, if someone should be scared of losing the other one, shouldn't it be me?

 You're the one who goes on these kind of missions daily. You're the one, that has enemies. 

And I'm no less selfish, than you are. 

In the end, you're the one, that I love.

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