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Bang Chan POV

I went to the bathroom to calm myself down a bit. Being with this girl was everything but easy for me. She makes me feel like no one else ever did. It still sometimes scares me.

When I came back to the gym, everyone was already there waiting. I looked at Y/N and I could say, that she was still little bit taken aback because of what I said before.

I didn't mean to say it out loud. It just happened. I don't know what she thinks and I'm not sure if I want to know it. She was always little bit reluctant about our relationship and I don't think, that such conffesion will do any good.

"I'm here, can we begin?" I asked and hid all of my emotions, so the guys wouldn't suspect anything. I don't want them to know what happened. Not right now. I will tell them latter.

"Yeah, sure. I'm ready." said Y/N and looked at me. I could see, that she was trying to not think about what happened and concentrate on the fight instead.

She went to the middle of the gym and I went too. She reached her hand towards me to shake it before our fight begin.

I held her hand and shook with it. Just when I was about to let it go, she pulled my hand towards her, so now she was leaning to my ear.

I could feel her lips brush on my ear and this single touch made me feel butterflies in my stomach and made me gulp from the excitement that I felt at the moment.

"I don't think that I'm able to live without you either." Y/N whispered into my ear and I felt like I was struck by a lightning.

Y/N pulled herself from me but all I could do at the moment was just stare at her in disbelief. Did she just...?

Did I hear right? Did she really said? Did she really just reacted positively to my confession? Not just positively... She reciprocates my feeling.

I don't think that I was ever happier.I feel like I'm able to do everything and anything. Anything that she wants me to do.

"Okay, so the fight shall begin." said I.N and I had to get back to reality. This fight is really important. I need to find out, if Y/N's fighting skill is enough to join us on some missions.

Don't take me wrong, I would love to take her on any mission she wishes to go to. But I'm way too selfish. I'm worried, that something might happen to her. Our missions are usually dangerous and she can get hurt easily. I'm too selfish for that, I can't even think about her being hurt.

To be honest, I would be happiest if she just wouldn't go anywhere and I could make sure, that she's safe here with me. But I'm afraid that she's not the type to let me do that. So at least I will make sure, that when she does go out, she's ready and able to take care of herself.

Y/N attacked me few times, but these attack were really weak. Weaker that what I expected. Is this really the best she can do? Did I.N even train her? This is more than just horrible.

I looked at I.N with disappointed face only to find out, that he's wide smiling. He can't be serious. This is horrible. She's even worse than the last time I fought her. And last time she was pretty good. Can someone get so much worse in such a short amount of time? Especially if they are trained to get better?

Y/N continued to attack me with her weak attacks while I was thinking about it.

I don't think so. I don't think, that someone can get so much worse. That means...

I widened my eyes at my realization but it was too late.

She attacked my legs with a one smooth motione of her leg, which made me loose balance and fall. I huffed in pain, but before I was able to properly collect myself, Y/N was already stepping on my neck. Then she immediately grabbed my arm and twisted it that much, that all I was able to think about was pain, that I was feeling right now.

I slapped few times the floor with my other hand to let her know that I'm giving up and she let me go.

She slightly jumped from excitement of winning over me but shortly after she kneeled beside me.

"Are you okay? I was trying to be gentle and not hurt you much, but at the same time, I couldn't be too gentle or you wouldn't  give up. How are you? Are you hurt? Should I call someone?" she asked extremely worriedly and looked at me, like I was dying.

"I'm fine, don't worry." I said and faintly smiled at her.

"Are you sure?" she asked and held my hand to make sure, that I was really okay and that I wasn't just lying to her.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I said and looked into her eyes. Our moment broke Han and other guys who happily hugged her and pulled her away from me to celebrate her victory.

"So you were faking that you were weak, am I right?" I asked Y/N while MInho helped me to stood up.

"Well, yeah. You know, while I was training with I.N he told me, that I will have an advantage in fighting, because the guys I will fight will automatically presume, that I'm weak." she started and I was just patiently listening to her.

"And I knew that I could use such advantage when fighting with you. So I was thinking and figured out, that I could make a similar impression on you, if I will fight shitty for a while. And then, to win, attack unexpectedly. I guess it worked." she said and smiled. She was happy. So happy.

Did really just winning over in fight made her so happy? if so, I should let her win more often. It will be win-win for both of us.

"You know, if I can't use my muscles to hurt someone in a fight, I will use my head and figure a strategy how to win." said Y/N with a great smile on her face and I couldn't help but smile too.

"Well, I guess that mean, that you can join someone on their mission." I said and looked at her.

"Really? I can?" asked Y/N and I would swear, that sparkles appeared in her eyes.

"Yeah, you will go on one easy mission and then we'll see." I said and before I could realize it, Y/N was happily hugging me.

"Thank you." she exclaimed and I felt like the whole world could end and I wouldn't care as long as I can embrace her.

"You deserve it." I said and patted her head. Y/N's cheeks turned slightly red and I felt like dying from the cuteness.

In the end she was right. She got me. She got me fall for her like no one else ever could make me.

I'm done with denying it any longer.

I like her. 

I want her. 

I need her.

It's can be just her and no one else. I just simply love this girl so much, that I could die. And I would, if it is what she wants.

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