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"Complicating your life?" I asked.

"Yeah, do you even have any idea how everything will get complicated if I have a relationship with you. It's not just the fact, that you're a reporter. Everything is going to be a mess." he said with a frustration and angriness on his face.

But he wasn't angry or frustrated because of me. Rather because of something else, that he couldn't affect or maybe even change.

"Listen, if I really wanted to get rid of you, because you're a reporter I could have done it many different easier ways. I'm doing all of these crazy things just because of you. So don't even dare to think, that I'm not taking this seriously." he said and put mine hand to his forehead. It looked like something really burdenes him and this little touch is giving him so much needed comfort.

I acted without thinking, my body moving on it's own. I reached to him and hugged him trying to comfort him and make all of his worries disappear. He placed his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around my waist, while I have wrapped mine arms around his neck.

"Let's say I believe you. You've really done all of these crazy things just for me. Just to have something serious with me."I said and started to run my fingers through his hair with my one hand, while still hugging him with the other.

"Let's say that what we feel is real. That you're not just leading me on. What are we going to do?" I asked with a little frustration in my voice.

"I'm a reporter. I'm here to make an article, that will change my life. I left my job for this. Even if I wanted to I can't give up on it so easily. Plus there are just too many risks. I..." I started but didn't have the strength to continue.

Chan looked up and I looked at him. Just what am I getting myself into?

"I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend or something right away. I'm just asking you to give it a shot and you will see. In the end, it started with curiosity with me too." he said and straightened up again.

"And about your article, if you still want to write it, you can write it about our rival, the gang Hyun. They're pretty powerful too. Or you can write just about the underworld in general." said Chan still having his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Gang Hyun? I heard they are the second most affecting mafia in Korea. What do you know about them?" I asked and looked at Chan a little bit less frustrated.

Writing about second most powerful mafia isn't bad either.

"Everything what you might need. And if we don't have some information that you need, then we'll get it." he said with a little bit confidence in his voice.

"Don't get so cocky, I haven't even said yes to your new offer." I said with my old good confidence.

"You basically already did." he said with a smile.

"No I didn't." I objected.

"Yes, you did. I knew I was going to get you since the moment, you showed me you were willing to listen to me." he said with a smirk.

"I guess you're right. But you haven't got me yet, I'm not as easy prey as you think I am." I said with a little smile.

"I'm pretty aware of this fact." he said seriously but still having a smile on his face.

"So, what is our relationship status right now?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm, I guess it's too early for girlfriend or lover, am I right?" he asked and looked at me, while he was still in his thoughts.

"Yeah, you guessed that right." I said and looked at him with a smirk. I'm curious what is he going to think of.

"How about cohabitants? I guess it's the closest to what we are right now and it's not giving you any unwanted commitment." he said and looked at me.

"Cohabitants? How about complicated?" I suggested.

"Complicated? And what am I supposed to say to people? That you're my complication?" he asked with a little laugh.

"I don't know why you would tell someone about me, but sure. You said it yourself. I'm complicating your life. And since you want me so much, then I guess I'm your comlication." I said with a smile on my face.

"My little complication. Huh, I like it. I like how it sounds." he said with a smile too and gave a little peck on my lips.

"We really shouldn't do this." I exhaled.

"This again? Oh come on darling, I thought we already got this over with." exhaled Chan with a frustration.

"Yeah, we did. But still, I can't believe I'm doing this. I must have gone crazy." I said and looked at him still not being able to believe that I'm really doing this.

"No need to worry, considering my normal self, that acts solely rationally and never let itself being swayed with emotiones, I must have gone crazy too." he said and gave me a comforting smile.

"I guess so." I said with a little laugh.

"But considering myself, it's not really a surprise that it ended this way." I said deeply in my thought.

"Really?" Chan asked with a curiosity.

"Well, I've always had a terrible taste in men. So no wonder I ended up with you." I said and Chan just closely listened to me.

"I guess I've always liked to play with fire. To date guys that I knew were bad and shitty and hoping that it won't be that way. That the relationship would end up with a happy ending even thought I knew from the start there's no way." I said and looked at him.

"I guess I'm like a moth that's always attracted by some fire, by it's light. And even though I know I shouldn't fly to it, I shouldn't be so close to it, I can't help myself, but still do it." I said and looked at Chan that was analyzing my expression and my words.

"And this time I found myself something extra. You're like a whole sun, being served to me on a silver platter. And I know I shouldn't fly to you, that I shouldn't try to touch you, but I can't. I'm just like a stupid Icarus and it's just going to result in my own fall." I said and looked at him.

Not with a angriness or frustration, but with love in my eyes. There is no point in regretting, it's too late now. All I can do now is savor the moment and hope, that I made the right decision.

"No need to be afraid, darling. You may had dated a bunch of idiots, but you're not going to burn yourself this time. Nor you're going to fall like Icarus. Before something happens to you, this sun of yours will go out, so you wouldn't get hurt."he said and stared into my eyes.

"Even if it means the end for the sun, it will make sure, that the Icarus won't fall because of it." he finished and I just stared at him with a schock on my face.

Did he really mean this?

"Well, I hope that none of us will come to an end. It would be kind of disapponitment after all that we've went through to get here. I have high expectations from this." I said and wrapped my arms around Chan's neck, making him lean to me.

"Yeah, that would be a shame. I haven't even got you yet." Chan said with a smile and connected our lips into a gentle kiss.

It was different from the yesterday's kisses. There was no sign of lust or desires. It was just full of love and passion. A slow kiss that made me burn inside. A kiss full of affection and caring. I liked it. It was different but just as amazing as the yesterday ones. Maybe even better.

"And who said, that I'm not going to be the one who will get you?" I asked when we seperated from the kiss.

"I guess we will have to wait and see who is going to get who, right?" Chan said and connected our lips once again.

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