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"Are you okay, y/n?" I could hear Felix say while he and Han were rushing towards me.

"What? Oh, yeah, I think so." I said and looked at them to assure them.

"You don't look like it." said worried Han and he and Felix helped me to get up.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, look at you. You shiver." said Felix and held my hand.

He was right. I shiver.

God. I need to calm down.

"You didn't need to be so harsh on her. She is still new, you know." said Changbin and got to me to make sure, that I was alright.

"I think we all know, that you like to play with people in their first fight, but you know, you should know what is too much." said Changbin in disapproval and looked at Bang Chan.

"What does it mean?" I asked confused and looked at the three member, that were standing next to me in worry.

"Well, you know, we all went through this. TOur first training. And of course, Bang Chan was the one fighting with us." said Han shyly and looked at me, but I was still kinda confused.

"You know, Bang Chan also did this to us. He played with us and didn't really take the fight seriously. He was distracting us all the time. Threatened us, told us things, that made us uncomfortable or angry. All of this stuff. Just to find out, how we will react in different situations during fight." continued Felix, when he noticed my confusion.

"Yeah, you shouldn't take it too seriously. He didn't really mean, what he said." tried to comfort me Changbin.

Oh. So this what they think we were doing. 

They think that he was mean to me and threatened me or something. And that is the reason, why I shiver and so.

I looked at Bang Chan just to find out, that he was already staring at me.  A small smile appeared on his face. Just for a split of second, but it was there long enough for me to notice it.

"Ahh, I think he meant it." said Hyunjin with smirk. I quickly looked at the floor and tried to calm myself.

My cheeks were burning. He knew? I need to calm down, before anyone else notice.

"Omg, y/n, are you alright?" asked extremely worried Felix.

"Hyunjin is just joking. Bang Chan didn't mean it. Really, trust me. There's no need to be scared or anything. He really did that just to analyze you." said Felix and held my hand tightly to comfort me.

"I don't think that is the reason why is she blushing." continued Hyunjin with a little laugh and Minho joined him.

Stop it. Please. They don't need to know. I just made friends. What would they think, if they knew, this was the reason, why I was blushing so hard.

Plus look at them. Look at Felix. He's way too innocent to know the truth.

I looked at Hyunjin in desperation and literally begged him with my eyes to not say anything else.

He smiled and opened him mouth to continue.

Oh god, if you really exist, please, stop him.

"I think this was more than enough for today." said Bang Chan and stopped Hyunjin, before he could continue.

Thank god. Or more like, thank you Bang Chan. Right now, you are my saviour.

"You will train with I.N from now on everyday, after your work. And at every end of the week you will have private lesson with me." said Bang Chan and looked at me intensivly.

Gonna get you | Bang Chan MafiaWhere stories live. Discover now