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Felix caught up to us in no minute, so we could finally go to the dining room.

At first we were all silent. But we were in a pleasant silence. We all were just enjoying each other's presence knowing, we can break the silence whenever we want to.

After a few meters Felix began a little conversation.

"You haven't been in our dining room yet, am I right y/n?" asked Felix with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, that's right. I didn't have time for the breakfast today." I said and reciprocated him the smile.

"And yesterday? You didn't have dinner or what? You arrived around noon. Don't tell me, you haven't eaten since yesterday's breakfast?" asked confused Han and looked at me waiting for my answer.

"Is that true y/n? Do you know, how dangerous it is?" said extremely worried Felix.

"Well, I had a lot of work. You know, I needed to unpack my thing and all." I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"So you really haven't eaten anything?" asked Han with shocked eyes.

"Oh god, you need to eat something as soon as possible." said Felix. In the next moment he grabbed my arm and pulling me through the hallways into the dining room.

"You know, you don't need to pull me. I go there anyway." I said with a little laugh.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't realized it. It was, just because of the shock I guess." said Felix with apologetic face.

"It's alright. I get it. But you don't need to be afraid guys. Even thought I might not seem like it, I'm very experienced reporter who investigate crimes on daily basis. " I said and looked at them. They didn't looked very convinced.

"I had to endure sleepless and food-free days to get the needed evidence and etc. Something like this really won't kill me. Believe me." I continued and tried to calm them down with a smile. Han nodded and Felix looked like he understood too but still didn't like it.

I get it. This lifestyle isn't really healthy and everything. But it's only because I was willing to make these sacrifices  I'm this successful in what I do.

We continued our way to the dining room and just when we entered Felix spoke up.

"You know what? You may be used to it, but you certainly shouldn't." said Felix and frowned.

"I know. Don't worry. I'll eat now and make up for it." I said and smiled.

"Deal. We'll make sure that you'll keep what you just said." said Han and looked at me. Now he had a smile on his face.

"What do you think Felix? Could you forgive me if I do so?" I asked and hoped that he won't be angry anymore.

"It's not like I'm angry or something. I'm just worried." answered Felix.

"I know. I'm sorry." I said and looked down on the floor.

"You don't need to be. Let's just sit and eat." said Felix finally with a smile.

"YES. Finally. We're going to eat." shouted happily Han as we sat down to table. Me and Felix just laughed at it.

When we sat down I looked around the dining room. It was huge and it had many tables with chairs. It kinda reminds me of school canteen. But more fancy.

"It's pretty unusual for dining room to look like this." I said out loud without realizing.

"Yeah, but that's because we have two dining rooms." said Han with a little laugh.

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