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Bang Chan POV

"Better than what I expected." I said out loud and watched the scenery in front of me.

"She's even better than Hyunjin. But that could be expected. Considering the fact, that he's always fooling around and never pays any attention." said Minho and was analyzing everything with a slight frown.

"You know, we really didn't need to look after them. They're both adults. And clearly very experienced ones." said Minho and looked at me.

"I know. But I couldn't let her go so easily. Just the thought that something might happen to her and I won't be nearby to help her made me sick." I said and exhaled slightly.

"You're so in love it makes me sick." Said Minho and chuckled ironically.

"It's not like I planned it or anything. It just happened, you know." I said and looked at him.

"I know, but it doesn't mean, that it's not troublesome. We need to do something with the gang Hyun." answered Minho.

"I know and I will. Soon enough. I still have time." I answered gruffly.

"You keep saying that, but what's the reality? The closer you two will grow, the worse it will be, when she'll find out. I highly suggest you, to do it, while she's not head over heels yet." Minho said with firm voice to show me, that he really means what he says.

"I will. I promise. It's just. I don't think, that now is the right time." I said with a sign of desperation in my voice.

"You don't need to promise anything to me. This is your own thing Chan. I'm just trying to to advise you like always. But not as your consigliere but as your life-long friend." he said and slightly smiled at me to reasure me.

"I know and I'm thankful. Really. It's just. I'm too scared. It's all too fragile. I feel like if I push too hard everything may shatter. And I don't want that. I can't let that happen." I said frustrated.

"Look at you. The invincible mafia boss that I knew is being scared just like little kid, because he's madly in love. Hilarious." said Minho and laughed.

"That's not funny." I said with a serious voice.

"But yeah, it is. To me." he continued with his laugh.

And I couldn't do anything else but to laugh with him.

"So, what's your relationship? Considering all the drama and trouble we'll have to go through just because of her, she's not just a fling or anything, right?" Minho was reasurring himself.

"Of course not. I'm not that stupid nor foolish." I said with a faint smile.

"Then?" asked Minho with a raised eyebrow.

"She's my desire. My curiosity. My heartbeat. My will to live. My death." I started and watched her.

Of course I couldn't let her go on this mission without me. Me and Minho followed them with a few people of ours to see, how it will go. He went out of curiosity, I out of fear. We stopped at a nearby hill, from where we could easily see everything, but they couldn't see us.

"She's so fucking cool, smart, beautiful and so much more. She's everything that I ever hoped for." I continued.

"And yet, she's not yours. She hasn't shown, that she's interested in you. So why?" he asked and was trying to figure me out.

"Maybe not now, but she will be soon. I know it. It's soo close, that I can almost grasp it. So close, that I can almost catch it and never let go." I said with a confident smile.

"Okay, you hunter. I think it's time to help them a bit and send there a few of ours men." he said slightly laughing.

"Whatcha laughing at?" I asked with a great smile on my face.

"At you, of course." he said.

"Never thought, that I would see you in love. Especially this madly in love. It interesting and hilarious at the same time. If you can fall in love, then anything and everything can happen." he said smilling.

"Of course, that I can fall in love! I'm not emotionless monster." I opposed.

"Well, you never showed any affection towards anyone. And you acted like one, especially towards you know who..." he started, but I stopped him, before he could continue.

"Okay, okay, okay. That's enough. I know. Let's go back to the mansion, before they will arrive and realize, that we were watching them this whole time." I said and put my arm around shoulders of a brightly smiling Minho, that was teasing me just a few seconds ago.

"Sure, let's go." he said and we went towards our car.

Back then I didn't know, that these were my last peaceful moments.

I didn't know, that these were the last moments, when I could enjoy y/n's love.

I didn't know, that a disaster is coming.

One, that will destroy everything.

One, that will change everything, that I've ever known and hoped for.




I didn't know, that she was coming.

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