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I leaned into Bang Chan. I can't deny it I was exhausted and was barely able to stand on my own feet, but at the same I was happy.

Truly happy. 

Bang Chan was right next to me and thanks to his presence I could finally calm myself down a little bit and stop thinking about... well, everything.

If there's heaven it must feel this way. Having your loved one by your side and not having a single thought in the world. I don't know any greater pleasure than this.

"We'll be soon in the room, just hold on for a little while." said softly Bang Chan and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer onto him.

I didn't resist and neither did I mind. Quite the opposite. I wished to be as close to him as possible. To spend as much time with him as there is in this world. 

And I wished to love him to my heart's content.

As long as I have him I don't think that I need anything else.

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry too much, I'm fine, really." I said and smiled at him.

"This girl." mumbled Chan under his breath.

"Huh?" I just let out in confusion without any further thought.

"There's no point in lying to me, I can tell whether you're telling the truth or not." said Chan and looked me in the eyes or maybe he stared right into my soul, I'm not sure.

"But I..." I tried to continue but this man just didn't let me.

"No buts, we both know that I'm right." he said and leaned to me so that our faces were just a few inches apart. I could feel his hot breath on me, his look on my lips, shifting from them to my eyes and back again. 

I couldn't help it. My heart started to beat like crazy. I got goosebumps. All of a sudden I was very much aware of everything that I was doing. Of everything he was doing.

Of every breath we had let out. Every insignificant movement. All of my senses sharpened all of a sudden. It felt like gaining some kind of superpower or taking a drug that truly showed you a whole new world. 

It was exciting and scary at the same time. Because all of these changes were made just by a single movement of a person. 

A single man, that I deeply loved.

"Well maybe you're right about this one, but I'm right about everything else." I said and finally closed the gap that was between us and was torturing us this whole time.

It was just a simple kiss but the heat that spread all across my body was unbearable. I could feel Chan smile into our kiss.

Was it because of what I said or because we were kissing? 

I don't know...

It's not important. Not right now.

All that matter right now is us being like this. Together.

The elevator arrived on the next floor and the door opened. And with the opening of the door our lips parted.

Fuck. The torturing feeling before our lips met was stretching for a whole eternity, so why does the moment our lips meet each other feel like less than a second?

Chan grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. 

We went towards something you would call a reception but way smaller than one would think is even possible.

Chan exchanged few words with the receptionist tha was there and soon got a key to our room with a great smile and a wave as he and the receptionist were parting their ways.

Gonna get you | Bang Chan MafiaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat