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"What are you sorry for, Hyunjin?" I asked and followed him inside the house, but he stayed quiet.

"Well, finally is someone here. I almost thought you guys moved out." said a female's voice.

At first I couldn't see who it was, because Hyunjin towered in front of me but I peeked from behind him and saw her. She was standing just few meters from us.

It was Dae Bong-Cha. Daughter of the Hyun's big boss Dae Seung. Now I'm pretty glad that I went through the most important people of the gang Hyun and found some basic informations about them.

"Oh, and who is that? Did you go out to find yourself a new toy to play with?" laughed Dae and pointed at me.

I could feel my blood boiling inside of me. A toy? Is she serious? If she says one more stupid thing I'm gonna throw myself at her. With no regrets.

Like if Hyunjin read my mind, he placed his hand in front of me to stop me. To other it could seem like he was protecting me, but we both knew that he was stopping me from doing something, that I might regret later.

"Let me introduce you two. This is y/n. Chan's new assistant." said Hyunjin with a slight smile on his face. But I could tell that he was annoyed and had just a mask on.

"New assistant of Chan? You?" said Dae in the most contemptuous way that one could possibly think of.

"Nice to meet you too." I said simply said and tried to calm myself down.

"Well, since you're here, you can go and make me coffee. Bring it to me as soon as possible." she said and gestured me to get out.

"I'm sorry, but I'm only Chan's assistant. I do only what he tells me to. Besides, I'm not a slave, you can do it yourself." I said through gritted teeth. This girl was getting on my nervous. I was this close to snap.

Dae dramatickaly gasped and was piercing me with her gaze.

"Is this, how your staff behaves to you? That's unacceptable. She needs to be punished. She even opposed me.  " said Dae as if what I've done was the greatest sin of all times.

"Do you want me to say this to JYP? I wonder what will happen then." she said with a sly smile.

 So she's threatening now? I hate her more and more.

"You need to excuse her, Dae." said Hyunjin and I noticed that he clenched his fist. 

Obviously this encounter wasn't pleasant to anyone. I need to behave better. I don't want to destroy what these guys were working so long for.

"She's not like any other staff here. She's different. She's not used to this yet." continued Hyunjin and put his hand on my shoulder and slightly squeezed it to calm me.

I took in a deep breath a prepared for my role as an obedient assistant.

"I'm deeply sorry. I didn't realize who I was talking to. I'll make you coffee right away, miss Dae. Where do you want me to bring it to you?" I said as nicely as I could and slightly smiled.

"Now that's a different story. Bring it to the conference room. I presume, that all of us will meet up there and discuss some important things. And when you're at it, bring some snacks too, okay?" said Dae and I could see she was clearly enjoying her position.

"Of course. I'll be back in a minute." I said and exchange one more look with Hyunjin. He looked like he was going to kill her. I won't stop him if he tries. 

On my way out I was able to hear  last few parts of conversation between Hyunjin and Dae.

"I'm gonna call the guysand tell them to attend this meeting immediately. In the meantime we can go sit to the conference room and wait for them." said calmly Hyunjin.

"Where is he? He was supposed to be here. Where's my f...."that was the last thing that I heard. Then everything went quiet.

I was left alone with my thoughts. Alone with so many questions. For example, how to kill that bitch and other similar ones.

But now is not time for this. Let's just do this fricking coffee and get this over with.

Bang Chan POV

As were pulling up to the driveway I noticed something.

Not just that Hyunjin's car was already there. It was the other car that was making me worry.

"Isn't that..." started Minho as if he was reading my mind.

"Shit." was all I was able to say in the shock.

"Hyunjin just texted us." said Minho with an alerted look and showed me the message.

"Fuck, you gotta be fucking kidding me." was all I was able to say before I rushed out of the car to the entrance door.

"Calm down." said Minho when he caught up to me.

"How can I be fucking calm? This is a nightmare coming true." I said and I could feel my anxiety taking over me.

"Chan, you need to calm down. We don't know what happened. Everything might be just fine. Just calm down. Let's analyze the situation first and then we can figure out some kind of plan." said Minho trying to calm me down.

"You know what, you're right." I said and tried to calm myself.

"Let's go to the conference room and find out what's going on." said Minho and we went to the conference room.

When we entered everyone was already on there. They were sitting and waiting for us.

Everyone except for one person. The one who I was searching for the most. The one that I needed the most right now.

Minho must have noticed my face and the way I searched with my eyes every inch of this room and leaned in to my ear.

"She's not here yet, calm down. Look at others faces. It looks like nothing really happened yet. You need to collect yourself. Do you understand?" he said and I finally started to do with myself something.

I've never been this anxious before. I've never been this scared before. What if she already knows? What if she already hate me?

It doesn't matter. As long as I can have her near me, I don't care if she hates me. I don't care if she despise me with every inch of her body. I just need her by my side.

But what if she already left?

God, please.



Please, just don't you leave me, y/n.

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