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Bang Chan POV

It's been a while since I and the rest of our group got here. It was around the time, when the girl had been surrounded. We were watching the whole scenery in front of us and I gotta say, we had great time.

Changbin got up and looked at us.

 "Ya know, you could help us and not just stare at us this whole time."he screamed.

"Yeah. It was almost like Hunger games. I thought that she was gonna kill us." Hyunjin continued.

"It wasn't just you who thought it." Han screamed at them with a great smile on his face.

"To be honest, if it was just 2v1 I would on 100% bet on her. "said Felix and both of them laughted.

"You know, she was winning only because we couldn't hurt her. If we could this circus would have never happened." said Changbin angrily and Hyunjin nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I still don't get this part. Why not just kill her. Why going so far?" said Minho with straight face.

All eyes were on him and me. The atmosphere got heavy. Everyone was waiting for my answer. I knew they all wanted to ask me but only Minho had the guts to actually do it.

"I already told you. We are not killing innocent people." I said calmly

"Even if it means they could destroy everything that we worked so hard for?" said Minho and looked at me

"That ain't gonna happen." I said

"You don't know her. You don't know what she's capable of. She has everything she needs to destroy us. How can you be so sure, that she won't. Let's just kill her here and now."

"I said that ain't gonna happen. We are NOT killing anyone here. Do y'all understand?" I said and put all of my authority in my voice, so they know there's no way of changing my mind or disobeying me.

"Yeah." they all answered. I didn't like being like this. These guys are my friends. They are like family to me. We decide about most things together, but somethimes I need to remind them that the boss is me.

"Cover her face and get her in the car." I said and went with the rest of my group to our cars.

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