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Bang Chan POV

I gulped down.

I could feel my hands sweating, but I tried to remain calm. At least on the outside.

"It's been a while since we've seen each other, right, love?" said Dae and I could feel my blood boil. 

"Don't call me like that." I already told her like a thousand times, but she's just not listening to me.

"Oh come on. Don't be so cold-hearted. Haven't you missed me? Not even a little bit?" She asked trying to flirt with me. It turned my stomach upside down. What is she even doing here?

"No." I simply answered and watched as her smile faded away.

"As cold as ever." she continued but I stopped her.

"What are you doing here? What do you want?"I asked but all of sudden we heard a knock.

"Oh, that must be my coffee." said Dae having a smile on her face again.

"Come in." she shouted. She behaves as if this place belongs to her. She's such a pain in the ass.

When the door opened I could see y/n holding a tray with some stuff. My blood froze. What is she doing here? What exactly is going on? Does she know? Looking at her face I don't think she does, yet.

Maybe was Minho right. Maybe it's not as bad as it seems.

"That's your new assistant, right? I asked her to make a coffee. You don't mind, right? You know what they say, what's yours is mine or something like that." She said and I tried to calm myself and not let anyone know my true feelings.

Y/N came into the room and put a cup of coffee in front of Dae while the staff was putting water and some snacks on the table.

"Here's your coffee, miss. I hope you will enjoy it." said y/n and smiled slightly while bowing.

Did she made her do this? Treating her as if she's some kind of maid when she's as equal member of this group as anyone else?

"You made this coffee?" asked Dae and looked at y/n.

"Yes miss, I did." answered y/n and I could see her confused look. She looked at me for answers or maybe even for help, but I didn't myself what to do. I didn't know myself, what was going on inside of Dae's head.

She sipped a little bit of the coffee and made a disgusted face.

"You call this thing a coffee? I've never drunk something so horrible before." she said and scolded y/n. 

I was so furious I almost said or maybe even done something, that would get all of us into some great troubles. Luckily Changbin sitting next to me grabbed my arm and got me out of my trance.

"I'm sorry miss. I will go and make you a new coffee right away." y/n said and now I could see that it wasn't just me who was holding myself back. It was also her. And when I looked around the room I could see all of the guys running out of patience.

We need to get this over with as soon as possible, or else one of us will kill Dae and start a war between the two gangs.

"It's alright. Just have this one." Dae said and before we were able to wrap our heads around it, she threw the coffee at y/n.

My heart stopped beating for a moment and in the next second I was without my realization next to y/n.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? We need to get you help." I said panicked while looking at y/n. The coffee was all over her chest. She must have been terribly burned.

"Oh come on, don't be such a drama queen. The coffee wasn't even hot anymore. It was warm at most." said Dae and rolled her eyes.

That's when I snapped. I started to see red. I didn't care about anything anymore. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Coming into my house unannounced, ordering my people around and now even hurting them? Are you out of your fucking mind?" I shouted at her and stood in front of y/n, so she wouldn't be able to see nor hurt her anymore.

All of the other guys were either now beside y/n or prepared to do whatever I'll tell them to.

"You asked me why I was here, right?" Dae said with a sly smile.

"I'm here to visit my fiance." she started and I could feel my world fall apart.



"I'm here to visit you, Chan. My love." said Dae.

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