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"Hey, y/n, wake up. We're here." I could hear someone say.

I opened my eyes and found out, that the voice was Bang Chan's. I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked around me. I was disoriented.

Wait. I lifted my head from Bang Chan's shoulder. Was I sleeping on it this whole time? You know what? Let's just pretend I didn't realize it. Nothing happened.

We got out of the car and appeared in front of the door to the apartment building I was living in. 

"Where is my backpack?" I asked.

"Here." said Bang Chan and handed it to me.

I got out my keys and unlocked the entrance door. Then we entered the lift and went to the fifth floor.

"I'll tell you how it will go. I will enter my apartment first and tell Aera about all of this and that you're here with me. When I'll make everything clear, you can come and Aera will sign the non-disclosure document." I said and looked at them with serious face. 

I can't let them just barge in to my flat. Otherwise Aera will truly have a heart attack.

"I'm afraid we can't do it like that, miss y/n." said Minho.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked confused.

"She needs to sign it before you say anything to her." answered Minho.

"Well, you better prepare yourself then." I said when we arrived to the door that led to my apartment.

"And what do you mean by that?" asked Bang Chan.

"You'll see." I just said bluntly and unlocked the door.

I entered my flat and loudly shouted: "Aera, code green giraffe. I'm home!"

"Oh god, I was so worried about you. You didn't call at all..." said Aera but stopped all of sudden.

Her eyes widened. I looked behind me and noticed that Bang Chan and Minho already entered too.

"Aera, don't..." I started but before I could say anything more she disappeared behind the corner.

I heard her shout at me.

"You idiot! For these situation we have code orange bird or you just won't say any code at all. You shouldn't had use the wrong code. For god's sake. I knew we should't have made and lerarned them when we were drunk. You got them all confused." she said and we could hear rumage from somewhere inside the flat.

"Aera, it's not like that." I tried again, but I knew there was no point in trying to convince her. She thought that they came here for the evidence and to kill us. 

"It's okay y/n, I'll take care of this." she said and appeared in front of us with a gun.

"Oh god Aera, there's nothing to take care of. At least for now." I said. I came to her and patted her shoulder to let her know, that everything was okay.

I went to the kitchen and got a bottle of mineral water from my fridge. Then I went back to them and looked at them. The sight was amusing.

Bang Chan and Lee Know had hands up and Aera was still aiming at them with her gun. The boys looked kind of stressed. 

I noticed Bang Chan's nervous look and decided that no matter how much I enjoyed this sight, it was time to get this over with, so I could finally get some sleep.

"Purple turtle, Aera. And now let them come in." I said and went to the living room.

"What do you mean by unexpected events happened, but it's alright? I don't really find alright, that two members of the mafia are here. Oh god, I may have a heart attack." she said and held her chest.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm sorry, it must have been an awful shock for you. Here, sit down and drink this." I seated her on armchair and handed her the bottle of water.

"Come in and sit." I shouted at Bang Chan and Lee Know and gestured them to sit on the couch.

Now were these two facing Aera. I brought chair from my bedroom and sat between them.

"So, who's gonna explain to me, what is going on here?" said seemingly angry Aera and looked at me.

"Look, I will explain everything to you, I swear. But first you need to sign this." I said and looked at Lee Know.

He got out of his bag the non-disclosure agreement and pu it infront of Aera on the table that was between them. Aera looked at it and then at me again.

"Non-disclosure agreement? What is that supposed to mean? Why should I sign it? And why are these two for god's sake here?"said Aera pissed, but I knew from her voice, that she was mostly worried about me and nervous from this whole situation.

"They are here to make sure, that you will sign this before I tell you anything." I said and watched how Aera took up the agreement from the table and read through it.

"Please, believe me. I wouldn't let you sign anything that could endanger you. You know that." I said and held her hand.

She looked at me and then let out a frustrated sigh.

"I know, for fuck's sake. I just don't like the fact that we're doing pacts with them."she said and held mine hand too.

"You're fucking lucky, that I like you. You know?" said Aera and reached out a hand, waiting for pen.

I immeditely hugged her tightly. Oh god, this girl. She's the best! I thought to myself.

"If you weren't my best friend I wouldn't do it. This better have a reason that will make my jaw drop to the floor." she said and signed it.

"You won't regret it." I said and smiled at her.

"Yeah, I know I won't." she said and the two of them stood up and went to the door.

I followed them to make sure, that they left.

"Before you leave, I have one more question, Bang Chan." I said and he turned to me. 

"Go on." he said and nodded at Lee Know, that he will catch up to him in no minute.

"This should have been my first question. What will be my salary? Cause I like to spend quite a lot money, sooo." I said and looked at him.

He just smirked and before he left I could hear him say: "Don't worry, your salary will be sufficient."

"So, care to tell me, what this is all about?" asked Aera.

"Sure, but only with a glass of wine and in bed." I said 

"On it." Aera said with a smile and left to the kitchen.

I told her everything that night. We talked a lot. But in the end we agreed, that this was chance, that I can't miss. 

She said, that she will be there for me this whole time and that she will help me with whatever I will need. 

Gosh, how I liked this girl. She was the definition of a true best friend.





The next morning me and Aera started to pack my things into boxes and gave together the needed papers, to let my boss know, that I'm going on hiatus for indefinitely.

This was beginning of my living with the mafia Stray kids.

But more importantly, this was beginning of my living with Bang Chan.

This is where the story begins.

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