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Jisung POV

"Damn, it's already pretty late, you sure we haven't missed them?" I asked and looked at everyone else.

"Yeah, I'm positive. Either they started working right away in the morning without any breakfast, which certainly isn't Chan's style, or they haven't been here yet." said Changbin with a certainty.

"Still, we sure that we didn't miss them and now we aren't just waisting our time?" asked doubtfully I.N.

"Aish, you all. I'm telling you, they will come. I asked the staff and they said, that they weren't here yet. They will appear any second." said Hyunjin with such a confidence in his voice, that no one was able to oppose anymore.

We all made a bet. 

We betted on how long is it going to take for these two to get together. They were so obvious. Both of them.

We seperated into two teams. One team betted, that these two will be together at the end of this week and the second one betted, that it will take them longer, that they will be together at the end of the month.

But something quite unexpected happened yesterday. When we all were leaving into our separate rooms, I.N saw Chan and Y/N in the halls together. And apparently the both of them then went into Chan's room.

Of course I.N texted this new discovery right away in our group chat. In that one, where Chan isn't. I know it may sound bad, that we have a group chat without him, but just think about it. Texting about something like this in a group chat, where he also is, would be simply impossible.

Of course he would stop us right away. But it would be no fun. And from time to time we also need a little bit of fun and excitement. Of course, the kind that won't hurt anyone.

However, this little discovery of our completely changes everything. This one night, that they have spent together will decide, who will win this bet.

If something really did happen yesterday and they got together, then the team number one is a winner. But if they didn't, damn, I don't want to even think about it, then it means, that the team number two was right.

Y/N probably doesn't feel anything to Chan, or at least at this moment she doesn't, and there is a really low chance, that something will happen in between them this week.

Which means, that I would lose.

I can't let that happen. I bet on this 20 dollars.

Hyunjin had this great idea, that we will find out, what happened in between them at the breakfast. He said, that it will be obvious. I'm not sure how, but I will just believe him.

So right now, we all are waiting in the dining room since fricking 3am. With almost no sleep, just to make sure, that we will catch them here and that we will find out.

It's already 8:30am and I'm slowly losing my hope in meeting them here. I should have went to sleep, this is a waste of sleep, time and the little rest of energy, that I have left.

Just when I thought so, I saw Chan coming into the dining room. Alone. Fuck.

But wait, what is that? Is that? YES, Y/N! She's right behind him.

And, wait, she's stopping him? And he's whispering to her something? Just what exactly happened in between these two yesterday?

"Well, I think we all already know the winner." Said Hyunjin and stood up, celebrating his victory.

Wait, really? I won?!

"Wait, how do you know? You don't want to tell me, that you think so just because of this little whisper of theirs, right?" opposed Felix.

"Yeah, that certainly doesn't mean anything. Do you know to how many ears I have whispered in and it for sure didn't mean anything."

"Oh come guys, am I supposed to name you all of the signs, that are shouting, that I won?" asked Hyunjin. Everyone was just staring at him and waiting for him to begin.

"Okay, then. Chan, Y/N may I?" asked Hyunjin and all of are faces were pale all of sudden. He wanted to say it right in front of them? Is he mad?

"What do you want, Hyunjin?" asked Chan with a patience and a smile on his face even though he knew, that it won't be any good request when's Hyunjin asking.

"Are you guys together?" asked Hyunjin straightforwardly and we all just held our breath.

"What do mean by that?" asked Chan with a stern voice.

Oh god, this is no good.

"Well, did you guys sleep together or not? Did something happen in between you two?" continued Hyunjin. Oh god, he really wishes for death, doesn't he?

"Hey man, I don't know how else should I ske you, just answer me." insisted Hyunjin.

"No Hyunjin, nothing happened between us." answered Chan with all of his seriousness.

"Oh come on, Y/N face says the opposite. We really should train her more before we'll take her with us. This way no secret of ours is safe with her." Hyunjin just casually continued.

When I looked at Y/N's face she was slightly red and she looked like she forgot what breathing is.

Damn, he's really good. He can really read people. No wonder he's the capo of drugs distribution and regulation. You really need to be able to read people, when you deal with dealers and drug addicted.

"No need for lying us Chan, we already know the truth. And even if we didn't, you know that you can't hide the truth for long. Sooner or later we will find out. Plus it's not nice to lie to your friends, right?" said Hyunjin casually with a smirk on his face.

I take it back. He's not just good. He's fucking awesome. Manipulating with people like that. It wants a lot of skills and guts.

"We did not sleep together." asnwered again Chan carefully. It looks like he was not going to let Hyunjin get the answer that he wanted so easily.

"So something did happen between you two." said Hyunjin victoriously with a smirk on his face.

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