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I checked the surroundings and the people around me a little bit and prepared a perfect plan.

A little bit behind me was a pair having a drinks. On my left was a group of girls having a night out. On the right was the dance floor and in front of me were they. Stray kids.

I stretched out a little bit. This is gonna be an Oscar like performance. It must be absolutely believable. A single mistake can complicate things up.

"And you're stretching yourself what for?" asked Hyunjin with a little laugh and a raised eyebrow.

"You'll see. But don't blink or you might miss it." I said with a little smirk and surprised Hyunjin. He and the rest of the Kids were now tensed.

"Minho, I can count on you, right?" I asked and looked at him with all my seriousness.

"Sure..." he answered all unsure, but it was all I needed. I looked at Felix and we both nodded to let the other know we'll do as we agreed.

I waved with my hand to gesture them to give me some more space and all of them took a few steps back.

"Not you though." I said and pointed my finger at Bang Chan.

"You, come closer." I said and beckoned with my finger.

A confusion spread all around Bang Chan's face and I couldn't really blame him. But I need him for this.

"It's nothing personal, okay? But I'll need you to cooperate with me." I said. I wanted to continue, to explain myself a little bit more. But we couldn't waste any more time. That guy could have had already someone targeted. And we need that person to be me.

"Excuse me?" was all he was able to say before my performance begun.

"What the actual fuck?!" I screamed as loudly as I could. I caught attention of people around me right away, but it wasn't enough. I needed more. Way more.

"You cheated on me with that motherfucking bitch? You know I fucking hate her. You know what, that's not the point, how fucking dare you show up in front of me after doing so? You're really fucking disgusting!" I shouted and Bang Chan stood there as if he were struck with lightning.

I could see the rest of the guys behind Bang Chan being in complete shock and shortly after getting ready to beat the shit out of me. Luckily for me, Minho and Felix were there. Minho stopped Changbin and Hyunjin and Felix took care of the rest.

Minho nodded my way to gesture me to continue. He must have figured out by now what my plan was.

Now it's your turn to realize what I'm doing, Chan. I really need you to give it all.


I looked around and I've got attention of the one I wanted. The guy the Stray kids were trying to get. He was curiously watching and waiting how the situation will turn out. Safely waiting in the VIP section surrounded by bodygurds.

I gestured with my head towards the guy. It was such a small movement, so unseeable, that I wasn't sure if I had made it at all.

But Bang Chan did notice it. He did see it and in the next moment he understood. I could tell from the way he looked at me. From his posture. His confidence in movement.

He understood what I wanted him to do.

"And what the fuck did you expect? You ain't gonna be the one blaming me. You were all the time away. It's your own fault." he shouted back at me.

I was stunned for a moment. I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't this for sure. He wasn't hesitating at all.


I like that.

"Oh is that so? Then why the fuck don't you go back to her? I don't fucking need you." I said angrily.

" I just might." shouted Chan back at me.

I widened my eyes and an idea striked me. In the next moment I turned around to the pair with drinks, grabbed one and without any further thinking threw it on Bang Chan.

We need to add a little bit drama and spice things up. Only this way I can be sure, that I'll be next victim of that guy.

"We're done." I said and walked past him to the dance floor.

But before I was able to do so, he turned after me and grabbed my arm. He pulled me to him and our bodies were for a moment touching each other.

"Does this mean we've made up?" whispered with hope in his voice Chan into my ear and heat once again spread across my body.

"Well, I guess we'll see at the end of the night, won't we?" I said and we looked into each others eyes. It was just for a second, maybe even less, but it felt like eternity.

I slapped myself in my head. Now was no time for this. Don't ruin everything now, I said to myself.

I shoved him off of me and was back in my role.

"Don't fucking touch me. Never again." I said and walked into the crowd on the dance floor and to the bar that was right in the middle of it.

But I couldn't help myself and a small smile appeared on my face for a second.



And I'm sure, that Bang Chan was no different.

Gonna get you | Bang Chan MafiaWhere stories live. Discover now