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Fuck, this is no good. He's really getting under Chan's skin. I can see how much he's trying to not let anyone anything know.

But he's also trying not to lie to them. In the end, they are his family. Shit, what have I done? I have put him into awfull position.

He's trying to protect my wish of not let anyone know about us, but at the same time, he's trying to stay true to his morals.

I'm awful. How could I even think about putting him in such horrible position.

When I looked at Chan I could see him being hesitant and unsure of his next answer, even though he tried to hide it behind his boss like expression and pretented confidence.

"Yeah, you're right. Something did happen between us. What exactly, is none of your business. I just wonder how you know." I answered with such confidence, that it caught even me by a surprise. I tried to maintain the confidence that I had and gave Hyunjin a look that was encouraging him to begin talk.

Everyone was just staring at me for a moment, including Chan. I don't blame him, I was the one who begged him a few minutes ago to not tell anyone. But Hyunjin was right, they would find out in the end anyway, so what's the difference if they will know right away or a few weeks later?

"Sure, how you want, Y/N." said Hyunjin.

"First, clothes. You are wearing the same clothes just as you did yesterday." began Hyunjin but I cut him off immediately.

"I was pretty wasted last night, everyone has seen that. Chan took me to his room to take care of me and to make sure, that I won't die because of alcohol poisoning. I was pretty hangover and when I woke up, it was already really late. I'm behind with my tasks. I don't have time to change into new clothes. And in the end, they are still pretty clean, so it doesn't really matter." I answered and everyone just stared at me.

"What? I didn't say that I will let you reason your assumptions without me interluding and opposing you." I started with my old well known confidence, that I have as a good, not great, reporter.

"If you want to convince anyone you will need to try harder. How can anyone believe you, that the thing really happened between me and Chan?" I teased him.

A smirk appeared on Hyunjin's face.

"This is going to be fun." he stated smiling.

"If you find losing funny, then sure. It is going to be fun." I said with as much innocence as I had.

Chan just gently grabbed my wrist and leaned to my ear.

"Are you sure about this?" he whisper, so that no one else could hear.

"Don't doubt me. I wasn't the best reporter for no reason. People had reason why they respected me." I said calmly looking into his eyes.

"Okay, I believe you. Then, may I enjoy the view?" Chan asked, genuinely curious about, what was going to happen.

"Sure." I answered and leaned back on a table, that was not so far behind me.

"Go on Hyunjin, I'm listening. Or is it everything that you have?" I continued in teasing him. God, how I missed this. 

As a reporter you need to be able to stand behind your opinions and be able to defend them. The boss won't accept just any article, you usually need to stand for your work and defend it, in order of being published. The better you are at it, the more articles of yours are published. Plus this skill is also pretty good when you interrogate people.

"No, it is not. Second, Chan had messy hair when you two came here. I pretty doubt that he forgot to brush it." continued Hyunjin amused by this game of our just like I was. I wanted to oppose but Hyunjin continued.

"And, your clothing was also pretty messy. A few unbuttoned buttons on your blouse and such. I really wonder why is that." said Hyunjin smiling.

I was just quietly nodding like I knew what he was talking about and like it was just another casual situation, that I should explain.

"Well, about Chan's hair, on the way here, he showed me one of yours balcones, that's also the reason why we came here so late, I just couldn't get myself away from that gorgeous view, you know? And, I guess the wind must have mess his hair. I didn't even noticed." I said smiling and was formuling my words, like I was just telling story to my friends.

"And about my unbuttoned buttons on my blouse, it sounds funny, doesn't it?" I asked innocently and continued in my act.

"When I woke up and changed into these clothes I thought, that I will just go right away into my room and that I will change into new clothes, si there was really no reason for me to look presentable. But Chan stopped me and told me, that we need to eat something first and that I can change right after. I agreed and on our way here I noticed the balcon and was mesmerized by the view, that it was offering. Chan was so nice, that he offered me to go there." I said shyly smiling, which helped me to play my role and make the impression that I wanted.

"Fuck, she's good." exhaled Chagbin and when I looked up, everyone was staring at me with open mouth and admiration in their eyes.

"She did say, that they had a thing, right? Because she's so convincing, that I'm starting to doubt about that." said Seungmin.

"Yeah, I think so." answered Felix.

"You know what, I take it back. You're good. I'm persuaded that you would be able to keep any secret that we have. Or at least if not keep it, then talk yourself out of that situation and make everyone believe, that it wasn't any secret in the first place and that this information doesn't even matter." said Hyunjin acknowledging my skills.

"Thanks, your observing skills are also admirable." I said.

"But I'm sorry, the third reason, is the end for you." said Hyunjin with confidence.

"Oh really? Go on." I said curious about this reason.

"You should have hid the hickeys. Especially the ones on your neck." Hyunjin said and I quickly covered my neck with my hand.


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