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I was coming from grocery shopping back to Aera's flat. That's where I've been living for now. It's already been quite a while since I left the mansion and I gotta say it was the best decision I could had made.

I had just enough time to think everything through and decide what I shall do next. I also had plenty of time to catch up with Aera. I had a wonderful time and remembered once again what for I was doing this all.

I unlocked the door and went in.

"I'm back." I shouted at Aera from the hall while I put down the bags that I've been holding this whole time. They were quite heavy and combined with all the stairs I walked up I was glad, that I've put them down.

My arms were kinda sore. Maybe I should start working out or considering it.

I was taking off my shoes when I realized it. I and Aera weren't the only one here. I saw other two pairs of men's shoes.

I heard Aera's voice from the living room seemingly arguing with someone's else's.

I went to the living room and the closer I was the more I was realizing who was the one talking to Aera.

"How I said, she's not interested, now leave." said firmly Aera.

"Just let us talk to her." said frustrated Minho.

"What's going on here?" I asked and all of the eyes were on me.

In the living room was Aera arguing with Minho. And then there was Felix, who was just quietly watching them. He was probably afraid to interrupt the conversation lest he would just worsen everything.

"Y/N, you're here! Thank god." exhaled Felix and went to hug me. I didn't stop him. I didn't see a reason to.

"Hi, what exactly is going on here?" I asked and looked at all of them.

"We" Minho started but was interrupted by Aera before he was able to say anything.

"They are about to leave. It's nothing." said Aera and exchanged such look with Minho that I didn't know, what to think of it. I looked at Felix in hope that he would explain it to me but I found out, that he was already looking at me with the same confused face as mine and hoping for me to explain this whole thing to him.

Damn. Then I guess I'll just have to ask them myself and interrupt whatever is going on between these two right now.

"I don't like to repeat myself, so, who's gonna tell me?" I asked impatiently with my arms crossed.

"They" started Aera again but I stopped her.

"Don't, Aera. I presume they're here because of me. I want to at least hear them before you'll throw them out of here." I said and looked at her. I could tell from her face, that she wasn't glad to hear that, but she withdrew and nodded to let me know she won't interfere.

"Thanks, y/n." said Minho and looked at the sofa. I understood and gestured towards the sofa in an agreement, that we all should sit down and just calmly get this over with.

"To be honest, I'm here to ask you for a favor." he said and we all sat down. I nodded to let him know, that he can continue.

"We could use your help." he said and exchanged a look with Felix, then he continued.

"I know, that we're not on good terms right now. Especially you and Bang Chan. But we could really use someone your qualities." he said and looked at me.

"What is this all about?" I asked, to encourage him to continue.

"You know, there's this mission." continued now Felix.

"We lent this one guy money." he continued.

"And when we say money, we mean like a lot of money."added Minho.

"Yeah, he started a club that is quite succesfull now. At first he was paying. But lately he stopped and whenever we sent someone to him they ended up being beaten." said Felix.

"And what am I supposed to do with it?" I asked with a raised eyebrown.

"Well, we need him to pay off his debt. But that's impossible, when he has all the time around him the gorillas." continued Minho.

"Gorillas?" asked confused Aera.

"He means some kind of bodyguards or mercenaries, right?" I said.

"Exactly." Minho nodded.

"I get it. And what exactly you want me to do? I don't see how I can help you." I said.

"That's when you come on the scene. We need him to be all alone, so that we can finally show him what happens if you disobey us." Minho continued.

"And the only time when he's alone is when he wants an alone time with a girl he likes, you follow me?" said Minho and I couldn't help but laugh a little bit.

"So you want me to seduce him and then lead him to you?" I answered not believing what Minho said and what he wanted me to do.

"I'm sorry y/n. We wouldn't ask you, if there were any other way." apologized Felix.

"Why don't you just take some of your people and don't deal with it, like mafia usually do?" I asked.

"We want to do it as quietly as possible. In the end we still co-own the club and we don't want to scare off the clients. But I get you. Even if we wanted to, we can't do it." said Minho.

"Why so?" I asked not understanding.

"We would have to take quite a lot of people with us, which means either to take everyone doing business outside of the mansion, which as you can tell yourself, isn't really a good idea. It would mean stopping business for a whole day just because of one mission. Nonsense." he continued.

"Or?" I asked.

"To take everyone that guards the mansion right now. Which is quite complicated too. After Bang Chan did what he did to Dae, we don't know what next move of the gang Hyun will be. Or worse, we know, but we don't know when it will happen. We basically declared a war and I have a feeling, that an empty mansion is an ideal opportunity for a revenge. So. it's not wise either." He said and I exhaled.

"Hm, I get it." I said and thought about it for a minute.

"Why me though? Why not someone else? As you said. We're not on good terms right now. Wouldn't be easier to just take with you guys someone else than to trying to persuade me?" I asked and looked at them.

Felix gulped and looked at Minho with a half worried half nervous face. Minho's face on the other hand was calmness itself. If he was nervous or something, that he didn't let it slip through his mask. I couldn't tell what he was thinking or what his plans nor motives were.

"The training. You already went through it. We don't need to teach you our signals or methods. You already know them. Plus if you go with us, we don't need to worry that something might happen to you. You're able to take care of yourself. The last that we need is saving some girl because she wasn't careful enough or because she can't fight back." he said and for a few seconds the two of us were just staring into each others eyes trying to read the others thoughts.

In the end I sighed in defeat.

"I'll do it. I'll help you." I said and looked at Minho and Felix.

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