(Season 2) Chapter 2

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Previously on Ninjago:

"Stay with us," Wu said. "Help us fight the good fight."

"If that's okay with my son," Misako said. "And if (Y/N) wants to stay too."

"Hey. The more, the merrier," Lloyd said, his eyes flitting to the (Y/H/C) haired girl who he couldn't help but stare at in awe. He quickly shook his head, feeling embarrassed.

"Why not?" (Y/N) said with a smile. "It would be nice to train with people like me. At least I'll have some competition too."


"So, you mentioned earlier that you have all the elemental powers?" Kai, the red ninja, asked. He was the Elemental Master of Fire and had brown hair which - to (Y/N) - oddly looked like a hedgehog's.

"Yeah," she answered.

"So, there are more elements?" Cole, the black ninja, asked. The Elemental Master of Earth had straight black hair.

"Yeah," (Y/N) replied before raising an eyebrow. "Wu didn't tell you?"

All five ninja shook their head.

"Huh," she mumbled out.

"What other elements are there?" the white ninja, whose name was Zane, asked her. (Y/N) had discovered that the Elemental Master of Ice was a Nindroid! How cool was that!?

"A lot," (Y/N) said with a chuckle.

They were currently sitting in a dojo where the ninja trained. They had told her their story about how Master Wu found each of them, how Lloyd was an evil kid first, and all the stuff until now. 

There was also a girl named Nya with us and she was Kai's sister. She was really sweet and badass too and had black hair. Did (Y/N) mention how cool she found that that she was Samurai X?! Girl power!

"Tell us a few!" That was Jay, the Elemental Master of Lightning with straight light-brown hair.

"Poison, Nature, Water, Metal, Mind..." (Y/N) trailed off, unable to remember the rest. "And a lot more." She chuckled.

"That's because you're the destined Silver Ninja."

Master Wu entered the room along with Misako.

"I know." (Y/N) grinned.

"Silver Ninja?" Lloyd asked.

"You didn't tell us there was one more," Nya said.

"Yeah," Kai added with a huff, annoyed that Wu still had some untold secrets.

"The Silver Ninja is destined to fight with the Green Ninja," Misako began. "They'll both fight side by side and discover their true potential together, though the Silver Ninja is more powerful than the Green one. They are both each other's strengths and weaknesses too."

"Without each other, your powers are unstable," Wu explained.

"So that's why I can't properly control them," (Y/N) and Lloyd said at the same time. They shared a look of understanding then quickly looked away.

"Yes," Misako said. "You both can feel each other's pain too. Your souls are bonded together."

"Whoa!" Cole exclaimed.

"You even have similar tattoos on your shoulders," Wu added.

(Y/N) snapped her head towards Lloyd. "You have the yin and yang tattoo too?!" we exclaimed simultaneously.

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