(Season 5) Chapter 58

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Previously on Ninjago:

Misako was packing up an order for a customer while the customer's daughter was awed by (Y/N) and kept bombarding her with questions.

"Is it dangerous being a Ninja?" she asked.


"Is it fun?"

"I suppose-"

"How many powers do you have-"

She didn't even breathe before asking the next question!

Luckily, (Y/N) was saved when the others burst into the shop, looking frantic and worried. 


Winds of Change - Part 2


"It's an emergency!"

"We need you!"

"It's important!"

"Boys, not so loud!" (Y/N) snapped, glaring at them.

"Can't you see we have our first customer?" Misako added while (Y/N)'s eyes ran over each of them.

"And where is Lloyd?" she asked, panic seizing her chest once she realized that he wasn't with them.

"Wow, the other ninja!" the girl interrogating (Y/N) walked over to Jay. "Oh, can you shock me?"

"Uh...not now, kid," Jay said nervously, walking over to (Y/N). "Maybe later, okay?" He lowered his voice to a whisper. "Where's Wu?"

Before she could answer, Wu walked over to the counter from the back of the shop. "Sensei!" Kai exclaimed.

"Yes?" Wu answered calmly, clearly not sensing the emergency yet.

"We were getting the word out..." Kai began.

"...and there was this wind..." Cole jumped in.

"...and our powers disappeared!" Zane finished.

"You were using your powers?" Wu looked enraged and for good reason.

"Even after we told you not to?" (Y/N) hissed.

"In my defense, I tried to tell them not to," Zane added.

"Yeah, I know, we're terrible students!" Jay screeched as they all surrounded Wu. "But what happened to our powers?!"

"Mine are fine," (Y/N) mumbled out.

"Your powers are not directly connected to Lloyd's," Wu said to her before continuing and turning to the others. "However, If your powers are gone, something must have happened to..."

"Lloyd," (Y/N) gasped out in horror, remembering how her shoulder had ached earlier.

A much stronger wind started blowing suddenly and Wu held onto his hat as he turned to face the courtyard entrance of the shop outside.

"It's Lloyd!" the girl exclaimed excited, pointing outside.

(Y/N) whipped around to look as well and her eyes landed on the figure that was indeed her boyfriend. But something about his aura was off and she knew something was wrong.

"I know that wind..." Wu mumbled while (Y/N) stayed behind with him and the others rushed out.

"That's not Lloyd, is it?" she whispered, worried and confused.

Wu shook his head and at the same time, Lloyd spoke up. "Step aside!" he yelled, his voice coming out different.

Yep, that was definitely not my Lloyd.

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