(Season 4) Chapter 54

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Previously on Ninjago:

They stood in anticipation as the Anacondrai came closer to them and just a few feet away from us, they fell into a hole that they had skillfully covered up.

Ha! Chen wasn't the only one with traps up his sleeve.

"Now!" Lloyd ordered.  


The Corrdior of Elders - Part 2

Zane and (Y/N) moved forward and as Zane used his powers directly to cover the hole, (Y/N) directed her ice powers to her blades and over the hole.

They all screamed as they charged the snakes that hadn't fallen into the hole, and (Y/N) simply began by jumping into the air, attacking them with fireballs and causing them to cover away. As she landed, she slammed her blades into the ground, resulting in some cracks along the ground and some Anacondrai to fall in.

She swiftly stood up, attacking left and right, trying her level best to keep them back from the passage, which was their ultimate goal. Ducking under the blade of a snake, she dropped to the ground and swiped her legs under him, and he fell while she turned to another victim, completely turning him into an ice block and halting him mid-attack.

In the middle of recovering her breath, she saw Lloyd running toward her, causing her to frown in confusion before he called out. "Duck!"

(Y/N) wasted no time in doing so and she heard the air whoosh as Lloyd jumped over her. Swiftly straightening and turning around, she saw Lloyd moving away from a snake which was apparently behind her.

He turned to her, his eyes briefly scanning her for injuries most probably and she couldn't help but roll her eyes, still unable to not smile at his antics.

Her eyes flickered over his shoulder when she saw a charging snake coming at his back. "Get down!" she exclaimed and he quickly did while she reared her arm back and punched the snake square in the jaw.

(Y/N) could hear Lloyd's audible laugh as he properly looked at her. "Like something out of a movie, yeah?" she said with a chuckle.

"Definitely," he replied before grabbing her by her waist and pulling her close to him as his lips landed on hers perfectly.

(Y/N) blinked in surprise, but she recovered and kissed him back, for a moment forgetting the chaos around them.

"I love you, (Y/N)," Lloyd breathed out as he pulled away.

What?! She stared at him in shock, unblinking. Of course, they had admitted that they liked each other but she thought it would take a ridiculous amount of time for them to admit that they loved each other. 

"Horrible timing," (Y/N) gasped out. "But I love you too, Lloyd."

He began to smile but their moment was interrupted when Kai ran past them. "Break it up you lovebirds!" he screamed.

They looked around and saw that their team was running back to the line as the Anacondrai moved in. Wasting no time, they quickly ran back too as they all moved back into their original positions.

The Anacondrai came head-to-head with them, but they all had strong resolve and refused to let them pass.

"Push them back!" Karlof yelled.

"I'm slipping!" Cole fretted from beside (Y/N) and sure enough, she could feel herself losing balance too.

"Don't let up!" Kai tried to encourage them.

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