(Season 4) Chapter 46

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Previously on Ninjago:

"He found Zane, I can't believe it," Kai said in disbelief before looking at Skylor who was now sitting down in her seat. "Thanks, Skylor. It's good to know there are some people here we can trust."

"A spy?" Jay wondered out loud. "Who do you think it is?"

"I have my suspicions," Lloyd muttered, glaring at Shadow.

"Hold up," (Y/N) said. "Let's not jump to conclusions, yeah?"

"She has a point," Garmadon said in agreement.

"We can figure this our later at night," she stated and everyone nodded in agreement.


Spy for a Spy - Part 2

All of them including the remaining Masters were now in Kai's suite, everyone littered around the room while Garmadon stood facing the door and (Y/N) beside him, facing everyone else in the room. 

"Like I said, I ain't joining your little alliance," Shade said stiffly and firmly from his spot on Kai's bed beside Neuro. "I'm gunning for that staff." 

"Hey, this isn't about an alliance," Lloyd said. "This is about finding out who is the spy." 

"And no one leaves this room until we find out who is passing information to Chen," (Y/N) threatened and on cue, Garmadon pressed himself against the door. 

Everyone started glaring at each other, Lloyd's gaze mainly on Shadow. "Why are you looking at me, Greenie?" he hissed. "I'm not your spy." 

"Hey, sorry to interrupt," (Y/N) said. "But only I can call him Greenie." 

Lloyd shot her a 'not now, (Y/N)' look and she shrugged at him sheepishly. 

"Perhaps I can help," Neuro announced, closing his eyes and using his powers on everyone in the room. "I don't know who, but someone here isn't who they say they are. And one thing is for sure, everyone in this room trusts one common person." 

All the people in the room turned to look at (Y/N) and she stared back with wide eyes, shocked. "I'm flattered," she said, trying to diffuse the tension. 

"How do we know we can trust you?" Skylor argued with Neuro. "Maybe I should use your power and see inside your head." 

"I'd like to see you try, power hoarder," Neuro growled, getting up to stand. They glared and snarled at each other, getting closer and seemingly ready to fight but Kai jumped in between them. 

"This is what Chen wants, for us to fight," he said. "But we don't have to. There has to be a more civilized way around this." 

"There is," Garmadon spoke up. "Everyone who's ever worked for Chen has the tattoo on their back. Find the tattoo, find the spy." 

"Anyone object?" Lloyd asked everyone. 

Nobody responded but Neuro walked forward and revealed his back which didn't have the tattoo. "Can I go now?" he asked impatiently, beginning to head for the door. 

"Sorry but not until we check everyone," (Y/N) said, blocking his way with her arm and looking around the room. "Who's next?" 

"Let's get it on," Griffin said enthusiastically, stepping forward and showing his back which didn't have the tattoo either. 

Everyone lined up behind him and (Y/N) mentally groaned, though somewhat relieved. This was gonna take a long time but at least they were getting somewhere. 

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