(Season 3) Chapter 28

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Previously on Ninjago:

"My gut's telling me that they're bad..." (Y/N) muttered, slowly backing away from them.

"Maybe we should listen to (Y/N)'s gut," Lloyd said.

One of the beetles bit Zane's cheek. "Ow!" he grunted.

(Y/N) started to through run all the information she had stored in her brain, searching for anything on these beetles. She gasped in horrified realization after finally remembering where she had read about them.

"They eat through metal!" (Y/N) exclaimed at the same time Nya completed her sentence.

"... they eat through metal!"


The Void - Part 4

Kai's eyes widened, no doubt realizing what Nya was trying to say and processing (Y/N)'s words simultaneously.

"Argh!" Zane groaned. "They're eating through my exoskeleton!"

"Bad, Glowie!" Jay scolded as if it would affect the beetles. "Bad!"

"You could've told us earlier!" Cole said to (Y/N), his eyes wide in panic as he, Lloyd, Kai, and her tried to scare away the beetles on Zane and Jay.

"I didn't remember until now!" (Y/N) said defensively, barely able to see as more beetles crowded around them. "And I'm pretty sure the Nindroids know about us being here now!"

"They're on me too!" Kai screamed.

"They're everywhere!" Jay yelled.

(Y/N) had no idea why, but in hopes of shaking them off, they ran to another boulder but the beetles followed them anyway.

"We're so screwed!" (Y/N) screamed, violently shaking her head to prevent them from settling on her helmet but failing anyway. "They're leaving!" She pointed a finger at the lunar rovers of the Nindroids.

"What do we do?" Zane asked us, swatting at the beetles. "Any ideas, guys?"

"Space. Why did we come to space?" Cole groaned. "If I could change any circumstance, I'd change ever coming here in the first place."

"If you can't change your circumstances," Lloyd began in realization. "Change your mind."

"Now's not the time to be quoting Wu!" Jay screeched.

"No, I finally see what he means!" Lloyd exclaimed. "This is just like the Starteeth."

"At least there's one smart one here," (Y/N) commented.

Lloyd smiled at her and the others glared. "Come on, I've got an idea," he ran ahead of them and out of the cave. The rest of them followed him and they all jumped into the rover and raced behind the Nindroids, soon catching up to them.

"Sensei meant instead of focusing on how wrong things are, focus on what's right," Lloyd explained while he steered the rover and avoided the shots of the Nindroids. "We have to think positively. Those parasites aren't just a menace, they're a weapon." The parasites were still following them. "Attack!" Lloyd yelled and as if the beetles understood him, they headed straight for the Nindroids.

"Did they just listen to you?" (Y/N) mumbled in shock as one of the Nindroid rovers got confused and smashed into an oncoming rock while another that was attacked by the beetles, flew over the narrow path and plummeted down. The Nindroids were now reduced from six vehicles to four vehicles; things seemed to be looking up for the Ninja.

There was a gap in the path ahead and the rover with The Golden Weapons in the very lead sped up and twisted over the gap. The other three also followed, but one crashed into the edge of the gap and was instantly destroyed.

All of them screamed in panic as they jumped over the gap, spinning in midair and finally landing on the other side of the gap, causing (Y/N) to sigh in relief.

"I swear to God," she mumbled to Lloyd. "Both you and your father will be the death of me one day." He only smiled sheepishly at her.

"Now let's go get that launch key!" Kai yelled as he opened the glass hatch of the rover.

Kai, Cole, Zane, and Jay used their Spinjitzu to jump on the rover in front of us while Lloyd and (Y/N) stayed in the rover. "Ninja, go!"

(Y/N) glanced at Lloyd. "Be careful, okay?"

"I've got this," he assured.

She nodded then jumped on top of the rover, quickly balancing herself so she didn't fall off. Up ahead, She saw Zane kick a Nindroid off the rover, causing it to come flying toward her. Before it could land on their rover, she kicked it as well and it fell onto the ground.

"Careful up there!" Lloyd called out to her.

"Don't worry!" she yelled back, unanimously noticing a Nindroid creeping up behind Jay. She quickly used her element of air and lifted him upwards then threw him down the cliff.

"Thanks, (Y/N)!" Jay called out.

"No issues!"

The Ninja emptied a rover of the Nindroids and without any driver, it swerved off the path. They emptied another one too and jumped back onto theirs while Zane destroyed the remaining Nindroid and rover and landed on The Golden Weapons.

However, he quickly jumped back and stood safely beside them. Kai then jumped onto the last rover with The Golden Weapons and came back a moment later with the key in his hand while the last rover slammed into a wall and they cheered in victory as they sped past it.

"We're home free!" Jay exclaimed happily as they headed toward the rocket.

However, when they reached it, they gasped in horror because it had been eaten away by the damn beetles. "The rocket," Lloyd mumbled. "It's...destroyed."

"Then how are we gonna get home?" Jay muttered.

"There's no way back," Cole said quietly.

"You're not the only ones who can adapt!" They turned to the Nindroids and Cryptor who held The Golden Weapons by a rope and then used the rocket boosters on their feet to fly into the air. "So long, ninja!" They then began to fade away from their line of sight.

"No..." Lloyd mumbled.

"They got away. We failed," Kai said into the communicator as they all jumped off the rover and huddled together. "I repeat, they got the Golden Weapons."

"Are you on the rocket?" Nya asked them. "Can you stop them?"

"No," Kai muttered. "The ship is destroyed." He swallowed, not wanting to say further.

(Y/N) completed it for him, glancing at everyone in concern. "We're not coming home."

This text is written while I was editing so-


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