(Season 5) Chapter 62

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Previously on Ninjago:

"Uh, speaking of straight lines," Jay began. "If that train's heading to Stiix, wouldn't it be faster if we..." They all looked at the train which was now heading away from them.

The boys wasted no time and began to chase after it. "Hey! Wait for us! Slow down! Slow down!"

(Y/N) sighed in disappointment, shaking her head before she used her Elemental Speed to quickly run ahead of them and jump onto the train. She helped Kai up first and they proceeded to get the other onto it as well.

Cole sighed in relief. "At least we have one person with powers," he said appreciatively.

"Thanks," (Y/N) said, choosing her next words carefully. "I'm just waiting to see how long they're gonna remain stable without Lloyd."




Stiix and Stones - Part 1

The Ninja finally made it to Stiix, namely its docks. They walked on the long, wooden bridge that creaked with their every step, lamps lighting up the night. Jay lingered behind, looking at their surrounding and the water around them. 

What made them pause in bewilderment was when they saw a man standing on a huge signpost fixed on the bridge, giving Jay a chance to catch up to the others. 

"Is he... fishing from there?" (Y/N) asked with a furrowed brow as the man was holding a fishing rod in one hand and supporting himself with the other.

Jay laughed. "This is the funniest thing I've seen all day!"

"Welcome to Stiix!" the fisherman greeted them in a sort of squeaky voice. "Watch your step." His rod suddenly jolted and he turned his attention away from the Ninja. "Oh, I caught one! It's a big fella!" He struggled as he tried to pull back and obtain the fish. However, the fish seemed like it wasn't going to have it and the man went flying into the water below, falling with a scream that was followed by a splash. "Ugh, whoa. Whoa!" 

Everyone except Kai dropped to the ground as the bridge had no railing and looked over the edge to see if the man was okay. "Ugh! Dagnabbit!"

They heard Kai let out a troubled breath and stood back up to see Kai sitting down nervously and looking around in panic. "I didn't know you were afraid of heights," Jay said before he and Zane walked away. Cole looked at Kai in slight concern for a brief moment before he followed them.

"I'm fine with heights," Kai said as (Y/N) decided to stay beside him, seeing how nervous he seemed. "It's water I hate."

"Fire guy hates water?" (Y/N) teased, trying to ease his nerves. "Not surprised."

Kai chuckled nervously.

"Didn't seem to have a problem before," Zane said from ahead.

"Before I could make a Fire Dragon at will," Kai explained. "Since Morro's taken over Lloyd and our powers gone, I haven't felt—Aagh!" A plank suddenly broke beneath him, causing (Y/N)'s eyes to widen as the others swivelled around. 

He had managed to hold on and (Y/N) quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "Well, now that we know that Ghosts don't like water either, at least we should feel safe surrounded by it," Cole said as they looked at the village at the end of the ridiculously long bridge.


"Ugh, what a dump," Jay complained, covering his nose from the terrible smell in the area as they finally entered the village. "You'd think the thief who stole the Scroll of Airjitzu would have better taste."

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