(Season 2) Chapter 4

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Previously on Ninjago:

A few moments later they heard a loud thud and looked up to find Misako and Wu on the deck of the Bounty. (Y/N) sighed in relief as she watched Misako hand Wu his hat which had flown off his head.

Lloyd smiled at her, a sparkle in his eyes.

"Don't tell me 'I told you so'," (Y/N) said, rolling her eyes with a grin on her features.

He just laughed and pulled her into his arms, taking her off guard for a split second before she relaxed into his arms. (Y/N) wrapped her arms around his upper waist and buried her head into his chest.

"And why do you have to be so damn tall?" 


The Last Voyage - Part 1

Sensei Wu, Zane, and (Y/N) stood on some rocks, observing the ocean. Zane's falcon was perched on his arms, while (Y/N) and Wu were looking through binoculars out at the sea, looking at a dark piece of land in the distance.

The falcon squawked behind (Y/N) suddenly, almost causing her to briefly look away from her binoculars, unfazed by the sudden noise; a courtesy of her tough training.

"Hmm, most peculiar," Zane said. "Yesterday there was just the ocean, but now there is an island."

"The Dark Island, Zane," Wu said.

"What I find more peculiar is after Ninjago City was attacked by the Stone Army," (Y/N) began, putting down the binoculars. "Today they have vanished."

"Do you think they are on this Dark Island?" Zane asked. "Garmadon may be responsible."

(Y/N) frowned. "Yeah..."

"I fear that too," Wu said. "But what's most important is we have to find out what is on that island."

"Perhaps my Falcon can have a look," Zane said. He lifted his arm and the falcon flew off into the distant ocean. They watched as it went, (Y/N) not liking where all this was going...

"But can we take a moment to ponder how the hell Stone Army got there to begin with?" she spoke up out of the blue. "Did they fly? Hidden wings? Teleportation? A boat maybe?"


"No clue? Okay, then."


"We just got our tails handed to us and we couldn't even stop one of them," Kai was saying. "Ugh, I hate feeling helpless!"

"We mustn't give up hope, Kai," Wu said as they headed over to them fixing the bounty along with Zane.

"But the Stone Army is indestructible!" Lloyd exclaimed. "You saw it. At best, all my powers could do was slow them down."

"Neither can mine, Lloyd," (Y/N) added, trying to put him at ease and not feel guilty about it.

"That's not entirely true," Misako said as she came over to them, holding a scroll in her hands. "There is a way to defeat them. And it is told within the scrolls."


Misako opened the scroll up as it lay on the table. The scroll had a picture of Zane, Kai, Cole, and Jay standing at the bottom and sending their powers to Lloyd who was hovering above them.

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