(Season 2) Chapter 5

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Previously on Ninjago:

"Aah! Get them off! Get them off!"

(Y/N) turned her attention to Jay and saw several starteeth on his back, causing her to hold in a laugh because of how he was jumping around and swatting his hand at his back unsuccessfully.

"Use your Spinjitzu!" Kai yelled.

"What?" (Y/N) interrupted loudly, getting serious once again. "Hold on! I don't think that's-"

But Jay had already used his Spinjitzu and now the starteeths were on the sail. "Okay, bad idea!" he exclaimed with wide eyes.

(Y/N) smacked her forehead.


The Last Voyage - Part 2

While they were busy with the starteeths on the deck, others had bitten through the side of the ship.

And now, the next day, (Y/N) and the Ninja had to throw the water out from under the Bounty.

(Y/N) closed her eyes in concentration, raising her hands and feeling the essence of the water around her, a peaceful and quiet humming surrounding her as she sank into the element.

"Ah, this is hopeless!" 

Her concentration was broken by Kai's grumbling and her eyes snapped open. The water she had managed to raise now fell back down with a loud 'splash'! 

"Now that we have no rudder we've been drifting aimlessly and we'll never get to the Dark Island," Kai complained, seemingly not noticing the glare (Y/N) was sending his way.

"We only know what is foretold will happen," Misako said, her hands full of scrolls. "Not when it will happen."

Zane suddenly drops his bucket, letting out a gasp.

"What is it, Zane?" (Y/N) asked, her brow furrowed in concern. 

We all watched Zane walk over to the hole in the ship. "I sense something," he said.

"Is it the Falcon?" Cole asked.

"Is he all right?" Jay asked.

"No. It's...something else," Zane mumbled, walking closer to the hole and looking out. His eyes suddenly widened and he yelled out. "Brace yourselves!"

And before any of them knew it, the Bounty crashed into something. (Y/N) slipped but luckily Lloyd caught her by her shoulders.

(Y/N) sighed in relief. "Thanks," she said as he steadied her upon her feet. "I definitely did not want to get wet again."

"No problem," he said with a smile. And (Y/N) had to look away because she could feel myself turning red. 

What is wrong with me?


"Who would build a lighthouse way out here?" Lloyd said as they all stood on the small Island they had crashed into, looking up at a large, brick lighthouse that resided on a huge and tall rock.

Always and Forever (Lloyd x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now