(Season 4) Chapter 55

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Previously on Ninjago:

"I yearned to make the world in my image," Garmadon said to Lloyd, pointing at him. "I never realized I already had, in you."

Lloyd sadly looked down at the book and began to read louder. "Sono, hokido, bo-rock!"

A much brighter light surrounded Garmadon's body, and he screamed as he was sent into the portal while we they watched in foreboding horror.

"Is he...?" Misako began, too shocked to complete.

"We shall see," Wu said.

On cue, the beam finally disappeared into the portal as did Garmadon who had been outlined by a bright ball of light and as a result, a bright flash followed, momentarily blinding everyone.


The Corrdior of Elders - Part 3

When they were able to see once again, they watched as several green balls of light came out of the portal and whizzed past them before heading down to the ground.

Chen's Anacondrai Army began to enter the portal in the form of spirits one by one and (Y/N) felt nothing but happiness as finally Chen entered the portal, screaming at the top of his lungs and the portal closed with a flash.

Even though he was her birth father, he was never her real father.

(Y/N) sniffed slightly and saw Lloyd frowning, so she placed a hand on his arm.

Misako noticed too. "The war is over." She placed a hand on his other shoulder. "It had to be done."

Their attentions were diverted when the Anacondrai generals came in front of them. "Thank you, Pythor," the middle one said, which (Y/N) assumed was Arcturus. "You should be rewarded for your courage and bravery. You have made your ancestors proud." He paused, placing his hands on his hips. "Finally."

A small chuckle escaped (Y/N).

"Oh, what can I say?" Pythor said, looking proud. "Everyone can change." A green beam of light shot out from Arcturus toward Pythor and the tiny white snake began to grow back into his normal size.

Pythor looked at himself in glee. "That's more like it!" he cheered, his voice back to normal. "Haha!"

"And thank you, Master Lloyd, Master (Y/N)," Arcturus said, turning to them. "Because of your friends, you have done what we never could: united the Serpentine and your kind as one." Lloyd and (Y/N) shared a smile, intertwining their fingers. "Because of you, the balance is restored. And because of your father, our spirits can be free. You will have our eternal respect as the greatest warriors to ever battle for Ninjago."

He bowed slightly to them in respect, and they returned it before another portal opened in the sky and the generals went into it and it closed behind them.


(Listen to the soundtrack below for a better experience.)

(Y/N) slightly opened the door of her room, peeking out into the hallway and trying to at least hear what was going on.

A weird man with black skin and red eyes had appeared at their apartment door and her parents had quickly ushered her into her room.

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