(Season 3) Chapter 21

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Previously on Ninjago:

"Whoa," Lloyd gasped. "Serpentine?"

"Snakes and I don't go in one sentence," (Y/N) growled.

"We must not go back, but forward," Garmadon said. "Hiroshi's Labyrinth." He pointed to the forest beneath. "Miles of jungle so dense, all who enter are never found. We must not rest."

(Y/N) looked at Garmadon incredulously. "Seriously?" she breathed out in shock. "But you once told me that if I ever got the chance to travel the world, I should not go there."

"This situation calls for it," he replied, his eyes full of seriousness.

"Okay." Lloyd chuckled sarcastically. "Let's get lost."

(Y/N) shot him a look. "Great pep talk, Greenie." 


The Curse of the Golden Master

"How anyone got through this jungle is beyond me," Lloyd grumbled.

(Y/N) sighed from in front of him as she pushed back another huge leaf away from her face, their feet making scrunching sounds as they traveled across the dirt ground.

Lloyd's eyes fixated on her (H/C) colored hair, it was now that je noticed how (straight/curly) they were and how perfectly they fell around her. Subconsciously, he imagined how it would feel to run his fingers through them.

He shook his head and brought himself back to reality. "Hiroshi's Labyrinth. Legend says no one has ever escaped its deadly maze except for Hiroshi himself," Lloyd's father said.

"That makes this adventure so much more encouraging," (Y/N) remarked with a sour tone.

"But the maze is no match for your powers," Garmadon continued. "This is the perfect place to hide from the Overlord's clutches."

"Hide." Lloyd scoffed. "That's all we ever seem to do."

"Your Golden Powers only strengthens his cause," Garmadon explained. "We must not lose sight."

"But I miss my friends," Lloyd snapped. "What good is being all-powerful if I can't ever have any fun?"

(Y/N) halted and turned around to face them, a frown on her face. "I have to agree there, Sensei," she mumbled.

"The Golden Power needs to be protected, and honored. Evil forces will seek it, try to take it for their own," Garmadon said. "It seduces. Even your friends may one day covet it."

"Our friends would never hurt us," (Y/N) said in a cold and firm tone.

"Those who hold the power have a tremendous obligation," Garmadon stated. "You two must be prepared to handle this journey alone and together. Even without me one day."

(Y/N) frowned at that. "Yeah, I know," Lloyd mumbled, looking down at the ground.

"Keep your chin up, son," Garmadon encouraged. "Legend also states there is a jewel inside the maze, the most beautiful oasis no one has ever seen before. Perhaps we will be the first. Let us keep going."

(Y/N) and him nodded and they continued through the dense jungle, moving leaves out of their way every so often.

Once, (Y/N) stopped in front of them as a butterfly landed on the leaf she was just about to move. "Hey, there," she whispered, holding the first finger of her left hand near the yellow and orange butterfly. The butterfly flew over to her finger and Lloyd smiled at her compassion and gentle nature to the smallest things of life.

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