(Season 3) Chapter 26

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Previously on Ninjago:

"I'm the only one who doesn't need oxygen," Zane stated. "I must go alone."

They floated after Zane as he headed to a door in the compartment and opened it by pressing his hand on the wall. "Be careful," (Y/N) said to him.

"Go get 'em, Zane!" Kai encouraged enthusiastically.

He nodded at them and then disappeared from their sight as the door closed. They all headed to the screen to track Zane's position. They impatiently waited, (Y/N) diddling with her fingers in nervousness as the countdown continued.

"Come on, Zane, where are you?" Lloyd mumbled as the countdown now reached 20 seconds.

"He'll make it," (Y/N) said confidently. "I believe in him."


The Void - Part 2

"We made it!" Lloyd announced into his earpiece as they all now wore spacesuits and hung off a part of the ship in space.

Yep, that's right.


(Y/N) started calculating the probability of them flying off into the endless void.

Nya, Wu, Garmadon, and Pixal's cheering from Earth snapped her out of her concern. "We have our spacesuits and found one way to change ourselves," Lloyd explained to them. "At least now we can stay on this ride a bit longer."

"All right, to commandeer the ship, you have to get to the cockpit," Nya stated. "You'll find an access hatch just ahead of you."

"You know what's also ahead?" Cole began. "A desolate void of nothingness. If any one of us falls off..."

"Would you stop thinking negatively for once?" (Y/N) said in annoyance. "That's my job but to keep it to myself."

"We'll take it slow," Kai said almost too calmly. "Together." The five of them nodded at each other and were about to move when the rocket suddenly accelerated.

They gasped in surprise and (Y/N) tightened her hold on the rocket while the boys screamed like girls. The rocket slowed to a constant speed once again, and Jay began to inch closer to Cole ahead.

"Even I don't scream like that," (Y/N) teased, causing them to shoot her dirty looks.

"I can't wait to see the expressions on the faces of those metal chrome domes when they find out we stowed away onboard," Jay said with a chuckle.

"They're Nindroids, nimrod," Cole said in exasperation. "They don't have expressions."

(Y/N) laughed. "Nimord." She smiled in amusement. "I like that word."

"Why, thank you, milady," Cole said with a smirk.

"Cole, stop flirting with every girl on the team," Lloyd grumbled from beside (Y/N).

"Oohhh," the boys said simultaneously.

"Someone's jealous!" Kai teased.

(Y/N) grinned when she saw Lloyd's cheeks turn red through his helmet. "I-I'm not!" he sputtered.

"Oh, yeah," Jay said in realization. "Well, Zane has expressions and I agree with what Lloyd said."

"Zane's not like them," Kai argued while all of them now clutched onto the same part of the rocket and began to move toward the main body.

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