(Season 5) Chapter 64

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Previously on Ninjago:

(Y/N) was alone in another corner of the shop, delving into a darker area. She conjured a silver flame in her hand as she surveyed her surroundings.

She sheathed one blade and holding the other one at her side, she walked over to a couple of trophies on a shelf. She lifted her blade, to topple them over and see if the scroll was anywhere among them.

With no luck, she sighed and turned around to search the other shelf. However, staring at the flame glowing and crackling in her hand, she froze in horrified realization.

The flame hadn't gone out of control like it should have with Lloyd's physical body not around.

Which could only mean that...


Stiix and Stones - Part 3

On cue, (Y/N) heard Jay scream from within the shop. "Aah! Holy pipes! The organ's got me!" Indeed, Soul Archer had used the organ pipes to grab Jay in a tight hold.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened as she ran toward the sound, extinguishing her fire.

"It's possessed by a ghost!" Cole screamed right after as he, Zane, and Kai ran forward to help Jay. "I forgot what we're supposed to do!"

"Water, you idiots!" (Y/N) yelled as she arrived at the scene as well.

"I got water!" Kai ran over to a small vase with a flower in it but as he lifted it from the table it was on, he realized it was fake and in reality, the flower was a joke holding a guitar. "Ugh! Hey, these flowers are fake!"

"We're on a village built entirely over water!" Jay screamed. "Please, take your time!"

Zane caught the fake flower and Jade trophy as Cole, Kai, and (Y/N) scattered across the shop to look for something.

"Aha!" Cole found a water jug upside down on top of a dispenser and threw it at the organ, instantly causing Soul Archer to leave the organ and drop Jay as he ran away.

"!sdneirf s'orroM fo eno rehtonA!" Zane exclaimed.

"I think he said "another one of Morro's friends." Kai translated.

"No shit, Sherlock," (Y/N) said.

"And there's more where that came from!" Morro yelled as he burst out of the closet and used the Armor to summon three more ghosts.

"We're gonna need more water!" Cole yelled as the ghosts circled them. One started chasing Jay and Zane tried to use the items in his hands to hit him but they went right through him.

Kai was avoiding a ghost who tried to punch him while Cole was trying to find more water.

(Y/N) on the other hand, was trying to destroy the floor below so she could get some Elemental control over the water. "Why the hell is this wood so damn strong?" she grunted, hacking her blade into it over and over again.

A ghost headed for her and she quickly jumped over the weapon that it swung at her feet.

Ronin, who had managed to get up and somehow get half of the duct tape off his mouth, walked up behind Kai. "Cut me free," he ordered.

"Not until you give me the Scroll," Kai said before they both ducked as a ghost flew over them. "You're not the only one who can make a deal."

"Then at least take an Aeroblade and get rid of a few of these ghosts," Ronin said in exasperation.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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