(Season 3) Chapter 23

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Previously on Ninjago:

"I think I may know where your daughter is," Lloyd blurted out, unable to stop himself.

She just smiled. "So do I," she answered, her eyes going to (Y/N) as Jay brought her out of the bedroom.

Lloyd's eyes widened. "You knew?" he asked.

She nodded. "Don't tell her yet thought," she said. "I want her to find out herself."

"But-" he protested.

She shook her head. "It's for the best," she whispered. "Trust me."

Lloyd nodded and smiled at her one last time before he followed Jay out of her house.


Codename: Arcturus - Part 1

(Y/N) leaned against Lloyd's shoulder, yawning loudly as they stood in the Temple of Light once again.

"How are you still sleepy?" Lloyd asked. "You were out cold for so long and yet still."

She laughed, raising his head and looking at him with a shrug. "I have no idea," she replied honestly.

He shook his head amusingly as they watched the other four finally take their respectful positions.

(Y/N) stepped away from Lloyd, knowing that standing with him wouldn't make much of a difference this time.

"I can't do this alone anymore," Lloyd said loudly. "As long as I have all this power, they'll never stop coming for me."

"I'm still going to be a target though," (Y/N) said.

"You were born with this (Y/N)," Lloyd said.

"And you weren't?" she countered.

He shut up instantly. 

"From here on out," Zane began. "We can't let anything separate us again."

"He's right," Jay agreed.

"Absolutely," Cole added.

"I feel like nobody is gonna hold onto that," (Y/N) interrupted.

"Shut up, (Y/N)," everyone chorused.

"Just saying the truth." She shrugged, smiling innocently.

"Let's do this," Kai said.

Lloyd smiled and then raised his hands, a beam of Energy shooting out from them and hitting the bell. It rang loudly and four energy beams went into each of the Ninjas from the big one as it disappeared.

(Y/N) watched with a smile as they all tested out their powers. "The Elemental Power, it's inside us," Zane said.

"Fire!" Kai yelled enthusiastically, shooting out a blaze of fire and then toward the ground to make him fly.

"Haha, anyone shocked to see me do this, huh?" Jay made a heart with his powers.

Cole slammed his hands into the ground and a mound of earth rose beneath him. "No dirt off my shoulder."

"Chill out." Zane made a path of ice, flying around the room.

(Y/N) laughed at their Elemental puns as Lloyd came over to her with a smile. "I feel so light now," he said with a relieved sigh. His shoulder pads which were golden before were now silver.

"You still have one-fifth of the power and even that might be more than they have," she teased.

"Thank you so much for the reminder." He rolled his eyes at her, causing her to chuckle.

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