Demigods Demigods Everywhere

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Percy POV
Neville's spell worked really well, because I slept like a freaking baby.

"Hey, Perce, wake u-" I opened my eyes to see Ron staring at me.

"Huh? Do I have something on my face?" I yawned.

", it's time to get up...." Ron left quickly, dragging Harry with him. I yawned again and got out of bed.

"Feel better?" Neville asked. Then his eyes widened too. "Percy! The tattoo!" He hissed.

"Oh yeah. Thanks, man." I got dressed quickly.

"Hey, Percy, McGonagall came by a bit ago, she says you don't have to wear the robes today if you don't want to." Neville informed me.

"Thanks man..." I glanced around the room.

"Do you know any other demigods?" I asked quietly.

Neville shook his head. "No, why?"

I stared at him.


"Well first off, there's one in your class in this house!"

He stared at me now.


"Hermione. You mean to say you didn't realize she's like us?"

"No...she Greek?" I nodded.

"My girlfriend's half sister. Daughter of Athena."

"Talking about me?" We started and looked up.

"Hey, Mione ." I smiled.

"Why'd you tell Neville about us?" She asked.

I raised an eyebrow at the son of Ceres, making him explain.

"Umm....I am one of you." Neville said awkwardly after a minute.

"What?" Came the daughter of Athena's intelligent response. I snickered quietly.

Neville pulled up his sleeve quickly. "Neville Longbottom, son of Ceres."

"Demeter." I supplied.

"I know that, Percy." She responded sarcastically.

"Percy, who else is a demigod that you know of?" Neville looked to me.

"There's one in Slytherin...." I said cryptically. Hermione nodded.

"And then there's Luna Lovegood, daughter of Iris and legacy of Morpheus." Neville's jaw dropped.

"M-my girlfriend?! She's a demigod?" He finally spluttered.

"Yep." I popped the "p" obnoxiously.

" I the only Roman demigod?" Neville asked.

"As far as I know." Hermione said.

"Time for breakfast guys."

The two snorted. "Always with the food, huh, Jackson?" Neville teased.

"Is that a problem?"


Neville pulled Luna aside for a talk when we got to the Great Hall. I watched as he gestured excitedly, explaining his heritage. Luna covered her mouth with a hand, then hugged him.

"You guys good, then?" I teased when he came over.

"Yeah, she was really happy about it, actually." He was watching the Slytherin table.

"You won't figure it out, Neville." Hermione said, a smile playing on her features.

"What are you guys talking about?" Harry asked. He and Ron kept giving me suspicious looks.

"Percy mentioned seeing a cute Slytherin girl. Neville's trying to figure out who." Hermione lied perfectly.

I finished piling my food on my plate and separated out a small section of the best. It disappeared when I started eating. Hermione had explained that the house elves knew we were demigods and would sacrifice our food for us down in the kitchen.

"Seriously, Percy, who is it? And won't Annabeth be angry you called someone else cute?" A teasing note crept into his voice at that last part. I jabbed him in the stomach.

"She's not gonna find out, is she?" I glared at him, using my wolf stare.

"No!" Neville squeaked.

The mail came just then. I swore under my breath when a few owls attacked me after dropping off their parcels for others.

"Ugh, why?" I asked Hermione. She smiled.

"You know exactly why."

"Mr. Jackson." McGonagall handed me my schedule. Timetable, that's what Hermione called it.

"What language is that?" Harry asked.

"Ancient Greek!" Hermione and I exclaimed at the same time.

"I'm dyslexic. For some reason, it's easier to read this. The letters don't get mixed up as much. Besides, Ancient Greek or Latin are required for graduation at my school." I surprised myself a little with the lie. I've never been a good liar...

"Well, let's go to potions then." I consulted my sheet.


"Wonder who's gonna teach this year." I heard Harry mutter.

A group of students with green and silver ties waited outside the door. I didn't pay attention to the group.

"Who knows." Hermione said.

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out.


I whirled. "Draco?!"

[a/n CLIFFHANGER! This is fun. Sorry it takes me so long to update....the only reason I did is that Ihrschatz0307 was bugging me at school you, Carrot Girl!]

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