I Need Backup. NOW!

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Percy POV
I hung out at the lake after classes ended. The giant squid and I had an hour long discussion about water pressure.

Yeah, that was fun....

When I got to dinner, I was bouncing up and down again. I separated some of my food for the gods and watched it disappear off my plate.

"You gonna eat?" Ron asked me.

"Too excited."


"Annabeth's coming tomorrow, remember, Ron?" Hermione reminded him.

"Oh yeah."

Someone screamed.

I flinched and jumped to my feet, looking for the source. Luna was pointing to the staff table, looking paler than usual. I followed her finger.

Above the staff table was an Iris Message. A huge one. In it was a guy with no nose and red eyes, next to one of my worst nightmares.

Next to Snake-Face was Luke.


Harry POV
Percy began to tremble slightly. He was staring at the weird message thing above the teachers table.

"Impossible. You-you can't be in that form!"

The blond guy with the scar on his face laughed.

"Amazing what magic will do, isn't it, Perseus."

"Shut up. What do you want?" We stared at him.

"Do you want to die?" Hermione hissed.

"I repeat: what. Do. You. Want?" Percy said in a deadly calm voice.

"If he's a Death Eater, shouldn't he already know?" Ron whispered to me.

"Maybe it's just for show." I whispered back. Then I realized Blondie was talking. I also just noticed his eyes were gold.

"-friends will be helpless. Working together, there is nothing the two of us cannot accomplish." He said smugly, gesturing to himself and Voldemort.

Percy growled. "I've stopped you before."

"And that was when I had a weak host. Now I have my full power."

"LUKE WAS NOT WEAK! He made some bad decisions, but that's beside the point. Using his face now is not going to help your case, Schist-head."

Blondie chuckled again. "Well, young Perseus-"

"THAT! IS! NOT! MY! FREAKING! NAME!" Percy screamed.

"It is your biological name, therefore-"

Two plates slashed through his head.

The picture dissolved as the plates shattered through the stained glass window. I looked. Percy was storming out of the room, his plate no longer at his seat. Malfoy was also plateless and stomping out.

"Idiots." Hermione muttered. She jumped to her feet and followed them, Neville and Luna followed.

"Back to your meals, students." McGonagall called, standing. Snape floated after her.

Ron and I looked at each other.

"What was that?"

Percy POV
I paced outside McGonagall's office. Draco and Hermione tried to calm me down.

McGonagall walked up and said the password, leading us student demigods and Snape into her office.

"Mr. Jackson, kindly explain what's going on?" She snapped.

"Old...friend of mine. He's trying to take over the world again, apparently. Can I call Chiron?"

"Of course-"

I didn't hesitate to pull a mist together as I dug a drachma out of my pocket.

Hermione cast a nonverbal spell to create the rainbow itself.

"O, Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Chiron at Camp Half-Blood."

The centaur looked up. "Percy?"

"I need backup. I can't wait weeks, Chiron, we got an Iris Message at dinner from Kronos and some dude who looked like a snake."

"Voldemort." Hermione supplied.

"Well, I will send your friends a day at a time then. Annabeth will be there tomorrow. Stay safe, m'boy." I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Goodbye Chiron." He cut the connection.

"Alright, I suggest you 5 stay together tonight." McGonagall said.

Hermione looked at Neville and Luna.


They nodded.

"C'mon guys, we know a place." Neville said. McGonagall dismissed us and Neville led us through the castle.

"Here we are." He stopped in an empty corridor.


"Hold on." He walked back and forth three times, frowning. A door suddenly appeared.

Hermione gasped. "It still works!"

"Yep. Welcome to the Room of Requirement."

The room was huge. Sleeping bags lay on the floor, each a different color. Grey for Hermione, green for Neville, blue for me, a pale pinkish color for Luna and black for Draco.

"Well, G'night guys. If I have nightmares, someone wake me up."

With that I snuggled into the sleeping bag, not caring that it was only around 7 pm.

[A/N the video is two of my best friends with their performance last year for our talent show. I performed with the girl in the pink dress this year, since the other girl graduated. Enjoy the chapter!]

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