The Truth Makes A Bunch Of Teens Feel Like Children

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Harry POV

McGonagall had all the students gather in the Great Hall. None of the exchange students were to be seen, and I was actually kind of scared of what Percy might do.

We'd all seen him fight, we knew exactly what he could do.

And he could probably do more.

"It has come to my attention that some of you have been harassing the exchange students." McGonagall said when the school quieted down. "Percy and his friends are very offended by this and frankly, I am disappointed in you. They are guests in our school, just as the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students were. Now, you are all lucky-"

"Was it Potter?"

McGonagall turned to look at Seamus. "Mr. Finnegan, please sit down."

"But was it him?"

McGonagall sighed. "Percy has chosen not to reveal names."

"Oh, it was him, alright." Hermione announced loudly.

"Hermione!" Ron snapped. "He's your friend!"

"Not with the way he's been acting lately." She responded tersely.

I frowned. What did she mean by that?

"So it was him?" Seamus had turned to Hermione.

She nodded, making it obvious enough for almost the whole hall to see.

People turned to glare at me.

"What? I was going off instinct, okay? They're strange, they're different. What if they're dangerous? What if-"

"You're darn right we're dangerous." Percy marched into the hall, wearing armor and looking absolutely terrifying. "Just not in the way you're thinking."

His companions filed in behind him, all of them dressed in a myriad of armor. Each person's had an individual touch, and their helmets were under their arms. Percy turned to Frank and nodded.

"Roman semidei, forma ordines!" Frank bellowed.

"SIC PRAETOR!" Half of the group shouted, dropping back into a formation behind him.

Annabeth turned to the others. "Ελλήνων ημίθεων, σταθεί στη γραμμή!"

She received various responses, Leo's being the loudest. "Το έχεις!"

Nico, Percy and Jason fell into a triangle formation, leading the other two groups. Frank's group marched in perfect unison, while Annabeth's just kept pace, without synchronization.

All in all, it was an impressive display. Weapons were visible as they moved and they all seemed as if they were ready to use them and certainly knew how.

When they reached the front, Percy turned around. He looked to Frank's group. "Singuli carri ducerentur!" Then he turned to Annabeth's group. "ενιαίο αρχείο!"

Each group saluted, the only thing they had done in sync so far, and marched up the stairs to stand behind him in single file.

Percy looked out at us. "Hello, wizards of Hogwarts. We are up here right now to show you what we are. This was brought on by a certain Boy Who Lived, who couldn't keep his nose out of other people's business."

More glares in my direction.

"But he has a valid point. We planned on telling you sooner or later, we were just waiting for permission. I now have that permission." He took a deep breath. "We are demigods. Children of the gods. They are real, they reside in America, and they are extremely annoying."

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